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Lioness in Diamonds of Desire 
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Joined: Thu May 21, 2009 5:13 pm
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Post Lioness in Diamonds of Desire
Lioness in Diamonds of Desire

Luanda, Africa 1960.

Millionaire businesswoman LEANDRA LARA Lara was in the study of her palatial mansion in Luanda City..studying some documents which her loyal aide M'Baku..who raised her as a young girl following the untimely demise of her parents...had brought her. Her black shoulder hair wore loose about her shoulders..wearing a white jacket..blouse..skirt and high heels...the 32 year old Leandra..studied offers by an American company...and its Soviet competitor...to purchase the rights to own the lucrative Vanaku Diamond Mines which her late father's company owned. Leandra had refused both offers..as he instincts told her something did not seem right about this sudden interest by the Americans and the Russians.

In the height of the Cold War...it was not surprising for the American CIA or the Soviet KGB...to be competing in Third World countries like Luanda ... often through fake companies...to gain possession of mineral resources which could be used to fund their covert operations against each other to achieve ultimate world domination. As she pondered what could be the true motives of these foreign companies...M'Baka...her family's loyal servant for years entered the study..with a look of concern on his face.

"What is it M'Baka?" asked Leandra as she got to her feet...feeling her nipples stiffen sharply under her blouse. "There is trouble at the Vanaku Mines Mistress Leandra!!..Reports of gunmen attacking!!" said M'Baka.

"The security guards are ill-equipped to handle this problem..This is a task for..THE LIONESS!!" declared Leandra with clenched fists. M'Baka nodded as the millionaire businesswoman...accessed a hidden passageway which took her down a flight of stone steps to a hidden cave under her mansion. As she entered the hidden lair..Leandra walked over to a nearby wardrobe..the heels of her shoes echoing across the stone floor of the cave as she walked. She kicked off her shoes..revealing a pair of erotic bare gleaming ebony feet with sexy toes with toenails that were short, glossy andgleamed with an ivory lustre. She shed all of her clothing..including her bra and panties..revealing a gleaming ebony body that was voluptuous and muscular.

Reaching inside of her wardrobe...Leandra pulled out a pair of tiny lionskin panties which were slipped up her long muscular gleaming ebony legs and barely fit the space between hrt huge gleaming ebony thighs. Next. She entwined a fabulous golden belt bearing the head of a lion around her wide curvy waist...and felt incredible power flow through every muscle..through every sinew of her voluptuous gleaming ebony body. Next came a thin strapless bra..also made of lion pelt..which barely over Leandra's massive gleaming ebony breasts..partially exposing the tops of her big puffy glossy black nipples and wide glossy black areolas which crowned their respective summits. She then slipped thick ivory bracelets over her wrists.

Opening a jar...Leandra extracted copious amounts of a special gels which she applied to her long black tresses. The gel caused Leandra's hair to clump together revealing much of her neck and broad shoulders while single curly strands highlighted her beautiful face. She attached large round gold earrings to her ears. The final touch was mask fashioned from a lion's pelt was stretched over her dark brown eyes, under her gelled hair and tied to the back of her neck. Leandra's eyes sparkled with determination within the slits of her mask. Leandra Lara had completed her transformation from millionaire businesswoman..into the busty African superwoman...called THE LIONESS.

"It is good to be out of those confining clothes and into the more comfortable attire of my lion pelts...It is time for the Lioness to hunt the CIA and KGB agents who threaten the lives of innocent people in Luanda" resolved the Big Breasted African Adventuress as she strolled towards a parked Aston Martin sports car..which was gold in colour and bore the insignia of a lion on its hood. Leandra climbed into her car..her shapely gleaming ebony ass resting comfortably on the driver's seat. Putting her car in gear...and pressing the ball of her erotic bare gleaming ebony right foot on the gas pedal...the Lioness' drove her Aston Martin down a secret tunnel which led out of her lair..as she raced for her rendezvous with danger.

Using a network of underground tunnels and backroads leading out of Luanda City...Lioness raced in her sleek gold Aston Martin towards the Vanako Mines. On the dashboard of her enhanced sports car...she used a high-powered radar to track down the location of the gunmen who M'Baka informed her were attacking the mines. Her long muscular legs moved back and forth below her curvy waist..as her erotic bare feet worked the pedals of her sports car as she sped towards her destination..which was a remote part of a series of mineshafts carved out of the rocky terrain. Slowing her Aston Martin down as she neared her destination...the Lioness...stretched her long muscular gleaming ebony legs...tense the sexy toes of her erotic bare gleaming ebony feet...with sexy toes with short, glossy ivory toenails.. as she climbed out of her car. Her massive firm gleamingebony breasts jiggling sexily under her thin lion pelt bra as she raced towards the mineshaft identified as the source of trouble.

Squatting on the balls of her erotic bare gleaming ebony feet...in a way that made her huge firm gleamingebony breasts swell together underneath her thin strapless lion pelt bra..Lioness concealed herself behind some rocks..as she watched a pair of gunmen of European descent who she reasoned to be Soviets...standing guard by a flatbed truck which contained several rock samples with raw diamonds lodged in them.

Her massive gleaming ebony mounds swaying sexily from side to side under her skimpy top..her muscular gleaming ebony arms and long muscular gleamung legs moving in tandem..the big breasted African superwoman charged towards her unsuspecting prey in a manner similar to her animal namesake. Flexing her huge gleaming ebony muscular thighs...Lioness catapulted herself into the air...pouncing on the gunman closest to her.

He grunted in pain as the clenched right fist of the mighty African heroine connected solidly with his jaw and he crumpled to the ground. The second gunman reached for his pistol but was amazed as the Lioness twisted her curvaceous body in mid air..and thrust her muscular right leg in his direction. He was distracted by the glare off the ivory painted toenails of the African Adventuress' erotic left bare gleaming ebony foot before it was planted hard in the middle of his chest. Leandra land on the balls of her erotic bare feet in a squatting position as his body hit the ground..before standing up. "These men are obviously working for the Sovier KGB...boldfacedly stealing raw diamonds from my company's mines...They will cause no further trouble...Now I must find their comrades and stop them.." resolved Lioness as she stood up..next to the flatbed truck.

As she did the Big Breasted African Superwoman felt her big puffy glossy black nipples and wide glossy black areolas stiffen rapidly under her thin strapless lionskin bra which barely covered her huge firm gleaming ebony breasts.

"Eh?...Uuuuuuuuuh...My big Lioness Nipples...My wide Lioness Areolas...Uuuuuuuuuuh...becoming...haa...haa...
haaaaard...strange radiation from the uncut diamonds...in the truck...affecting them...Uuuuuuuuuuh...I feel sexy...
thinking erotic thoughts about my boyfriend...PRINCE LUAGA...starting to feel very sleepy...will soon be unconscious if I let the dimaonds affect me...Uuuuuuuuuh...I must resist" sighed Lioness...her brown eyes fluttering in the slits of the thin lionskin mask which stretched across the upper part of her beauteous face...as she sought to suppress erotic urges that would mean certain defeat for her.

The Big Breasted African Superwoman managed to regain her composure as four more Soviets emerged from the mine shaft..carrying sacks laden with rocks which had diamonds embedded in them. Boldly...Lioness assumed her heroic pose in front of them. Her gleaming ebonyhands balled into fists...resting lightly on either side of her wide curvy waist...her long muscular gleaming ebony legs spread slightly apart...her erotic bare gleaming ebony feet with sexy toes with short glossy ivory toenails planted flat on the dusty, rocky ground..her huge firm gleaming ebony bust pushed towards her Soviet opponents with confidence.

"Surrender now Soviets or face the wrath of the Lioness!!" declared the mighty black superheroine. Her statement drew laughter and expressions of skepticism by the KGB agents who could not believe that a lone black woman..with more attitude than attire..was giving them such an ultimatum.

"Kill her comrades!!" snarled a Soviet as he and the other three KGB agents dropped their bags...drew knives and blackjacks and charged towards the African heroine. Evading the wild swing of one Soviet... Lioness countered with a right hand karate chop to the throat which dropped him to the ground..gasping for air. Spinning around..she drove the ball of her erotic left foot into another's groin.. and he collapsed to the ground..moaning in agony. Grabbing another agent by his right hand...Lioness effortlessly flung him over her left shoulder and hard to the ground..knocking the wind out of him. However as she whirled round to face the fourth KGB agent...Lioness could do nothing as he managed to bring his blackjack crashing down on top of her huge left firm gleaming ebony breast.

"UUUUNH" groaned Lioness..staggering backwards on the balls of her erotic bare gleaming ebony feet..briefly stunned by the blow. However the Soviet was slow to press home the advantage he did not know he had...allowing her to recover..and drive the ball of her erotic right foot into his jaw..knocking him out. "Uunh..My huge left Lioness Breast aches...but I feel it recovering...These KGB agents are defeated..I will bind them and contact the authorities to come and collect them" resolved Leandra as she rubbed the left side of her broad chest..with her right hand..before proceeding to use rope in the back of the truck to bind all six men..hand and foot.

Unknown to the Lioness...an operative from the American CIA..took careful note of what had just happened. They had tricked the KGB into raiding this mine..in the hope that the Lioness would find out..and stop them..unknowingly swinging the advantage in their favor.

Two days later

2 pm

Leandra Lara had just concluded a board meeting at her company's corporate headquarters in downtown Luanda City and had just stepped into her private office..when she received an urgent brief from the loyal M'Bakau. "Mistress Leandra...Another report from the Vanako Mines.. There are reports of an elevator failure in one of the secondary mines...There could be workers trapped underground" said M'Baku with concern in his voice.

"Then my friend...it is time for the Lioness to act once again to save innocent lives...This is no doubt another act of subterfuge by the Soviet KGB. Only they would be bold enough to make such an attempt...Quickly..We must return to the mansion for me to change into the Lioness" instructed Leandra as she left with M'Baka at her side.

Within the space of less than an hour...the workers at Mineshaft Seven...were surprised when a sleek gold Aston Martin sportscar arrived outside of the mine. Their surprise heightened as a pair of long muscular gleaming ebony legs and erotic bare gleaming ebony feet...with sexy toes with short glossy ivory toenails emerged from the driver's side of the vehicle..followed by the rest of the voluptuous and muscular gleaming ebony body of the beauteous Lioness...Champion Superheroine of Luanda.

They were mesmerized as she strolled briskly towards them...her huge firm gleaming ebony breasts...swaying sexily from side to side...barely covered by her thin strapless lion pelt bra..the tops of her big puffy glossy black nipples and wide glossy black areolas visible to the miners who had never seen a woman as strong and sexy as the Lioness.

"Gentlemen...I am the Lioness...I am here to help," said the big breasted African superwoman..who unknown to the men was really their employer Leandra Lara. They had great difficulty doing anything else except staring at the heroine's massive firm gleaming ebony breasts...until one miner identified himself to her as a foreman

. "Lioness..The main elevator to the mine has malfunctioned...There are men trapped in the lower levels. There are dangerous toxic gases down there" said the miner. "Be calm gentlemen...I shall go into the mine and rescue the trapped miners...Have no one else enter until I return.." instructed Lioness as she turned and ran into the mineshaft.
The miners simply watched her huge firm gleaming breasts and her well-rounded gleaming ebony ass jiggling under her flimsy attire..as she disappeared from view. Out of sight of the miners...the Lioness boldly ventured deeper and deeper into the mineshaft..the light around her dimming considerably..the deeper that she went.

Her huge firm ebony breasts rose and fell slowly underneath her thin strapless lion pelt bra...and she felt the coldness of the ground beneath the soles of her erotic bare feet as she ventured deeper into the mineshaft which was dimly lit. "It is getting hard to see...There is too little light in these tunnels..but I have to keep going...There could be miners trapped in the mineshaft who need my help...and the foreman was right about the air quality being poor...but my magic Lion Belt will protect me from these hazards" thought Lioness as she continued along her way through the increasingly darkened corridors of the mine shaft..lit only by light from dim bulbs along the upper part of the rocky walls.

Then without warning..the light was snuffed out...engulfing the big breasted African heroine in absolute darkness. However she was far from alone...as she felt her big puffy glossy black nipples stiffen under her flimsy strapless lionskin bra.

The warning came too late. In the pitch blackness of the mineshaft..a large muscular figure loomed over her..wielding a heavy object in his hands.. swinging it with all his might...directly at the Big Breasted African Superwoman.

unsuspecting Lioness. She only became aware that she was not alone as she felt something broad and heavy connecting with brutal impact with her mighty mammaries. "UUUUUUUUUUUUNH" groaned Lioness as she felt somethinh heavy slam directly into her huge firm gleaming ebony breasts.. the force of the blow was enough to knock her off her erotic bare gleaming feet..and sending her flying backwards through the air.

"UUUUUUUUUUUNH" groaned Lioness as she landed hard on her back...with her muscular gleaming ebony arms flung past her head..and her long muscular gleaming ebony legs spread wide open...her head pillowed by her thick gelled glossy black tresses...rolling slowly from side to side as she felt dizzy from the force of the blow to her awesome chest...which left her dazed.

Some lights in the wall of the mineshaft...were lit and the Lioness was surprised to see a large muscular Soviet man with thin brown hair standing over her menacingly...with a rusty iron shovel in his large hands. "So you are Lioness?!...You are nothing but black doll with big boobs...in small clothes. IGOR show you who is boss.." sneered the Soviet muscleman as he yanked off the Busty African Superwoman's flimsy lionskin bra...took the rusty shovel and rubbed its rusty edges all over her exposed huge firm gleaming ebony breasts.

...UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNH...SLEEPY...I AM GETTING SO SLEEPY...UUUUUUUNH...UUUUUUUUUUUUUNH complained the Lioness..the sexy toes of her erotic bare gleaming ebony feet...with short glossy ivory toenails twitching helplessly and sexily... as she felt increasingly drowsy and unable to move.

As Boris rubbed the end of the rusty shovel all over the naked huge firm ebony breasts of the helpless busty African heroine..taking pleasure and feeling his groin hardening between his legs as he watched her big puffy glossy black nipples and wide glossy black areolas become as hard as the rocks in the mineshaft...one of his KGB comrades stepped forward and whispered something in his ear.

"Das Vadanja...Lioness..You are finished now..." gloated Boris as he discarded the shovel..he and his two KGB comrades leaving the African Adventuress lying dazed and drowsy on the ground...her massive firm gleaming ebony breasts aching fiercely...her big puffy glossy black nipples and wide glossy black areolas hard and erect from the cluster of iron rust particles that had been rubbed into them by Igor which made her feel dizzy and weak. The reason why the Soviets did not press home their attack and why they left the mineshaft in such a hurry soon became apparent to the Lioness.

Through her blurry vision..she saw sticks of dynamite lodged at strategic points in the rocky walls on either side of the mineshaft and knew exactly what the Soviets were planning to do to her. "They are going to blow the mineshaft...Uunnh..must get out...but feel so weak..in my huge Lioness Breasts..rust making my big Lioness Nipples and my wide Lioness Areolas...soooo haaaaard...feel so tired...Uuuuuuunh..Uuuuuuunh...but I must escape" moaned the Lioness...rolling her head from side to side..feeling the rust particles lodged in her big puffy glossy black nipples and wide glossy black areolas keeping her sleepy and weak..and unable to move as the fuses of the dynamite sticks lodged in the rocky walls of the mine shaft were slowly burnt out.

Lioness pressed the palms of her hands and the soles of her erotic bare feet on the ground and managed to stand up. Holding her thin lion pelt bra in her right hand...the buxom African superheroine's huge firm gleaming ebony breasts..swayed freely from side to side as she staggered towards the entrance to the mineshaft..as the dynamite fuses neared their climax. She succeeded in making it out of the mine..leaping to the cover of some rocks..as the mineshaft exploded behind her.

To be continued

Sun Sep 25, 2022 10:03 pm
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