Members Update - World Guardians Vengeance EP05
Welcome Welcome once again to my Monday Update! I’m pleased to post the new story, “The Guardians: Vengeance,” for members today!
In the last story, “The Sorority,” The alien invaders baited the heroines of Earth to University City. They fired a death ray upon them, destroying them all! With Beta and Lightstreak surrendering to Narrkka, all hope for Earth seems lost! Jake and Vine turned on Csheri and captured her! The Sorority are now captives on Queen Narrkka’s ship along with Jessamy, Lightstreak, Chelsea, and Conviction!!
In previous episodes, Dr. Vine placed Poor Magnolia in an experimental stasis device and instructed Jake to remand her to Sublevel 5, Stern Industries’ dirty little secret! Chelsea was taken from the cell and introduced to the dreaded “VOREMAX!” Aurore, Cary (AKA Beta), and Sunny (AKA Lightstreak) escaped shortly afterward. Samantha Daily went to the only person strong enough to protect her. She went to Rokko Smash on bended knee, wearing the costume he fought so hard to get her to wear, and was captured! Valiona Vine also went to see an old friend named Alisa and disclosed her plan to rise in the ranks of University City.
What are they planning for Magnolia and Csheri? Will Conviction, Beta, and Lightstreak escape the mothership? What will Rokko do to Samantha? Will Alisa help Vine? The answers to these and many new questions begin to unfold in this newest and most exciting adventure of “The Guardians: Vengeance” Episode 05 posts for members today!
For members:
http://memberslogin.hipcomix.com/galler ... Episode-05Thanks for reading!