KUNG FU WOMAN - In Monster Town-#08
Undoing the leather restraints that were binding her wrists and ankles...Sheriff Roscoe lifted the unconscious Superwoman of Shaolin off the examination table. Kung Fu Woman was carried out of the Doctor's Office...down the creaky wooden staircase to their squad car outside of the Doctor's office.
They were seen by an 70 old white woman who was passing by. "Morning Sheriff...What happened to that young woman?" she asked as she looked at Kung Fu Woman's naked huge firm golden bronze breasts..steel clamps attached to her big puffy hard erect and bullet shaped nipples.
She adjusted her glasses on her face to look scornfully at the tiger and dragon Kung Fu Woman's clamped big puffy bronze nipples...her hard wide bronze areolas...and her camel toe shaped bronze cunt..and the glossy swirl of black pubic hair..revealed with her tiny red taken off..
"Nothing to be alarmed at Mrs Henderson...Doc's taking care of her..." said Tate as they placed the topless and tamed Kung Fu Woman in the back seat of the car...got in and drove off. "Best he be doing that...So disgraceful for a young woman to show off her body like that...She got the biggest breasts on any woman passing through these parts" remarked Mrs Henderson as she continued about her business.CLICK HERE to read KUNG FU WOMAN - In Monster Town-#08:
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