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D.C.G: Teen Justice #17 
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Post D.C.G: Teen Justice #17
Syn awoke while Sapphire was bragging about her grandiose origin story, ready to continue the battle. Will Syn's gun will have an effect on the mystical powerhouse?

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Sun Dec 09, 2012 2:45 am
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Post Re: D.C.G: Teen Justice #17
Dear B69:

This deconstruction has taken a dark turn. Not very dark, but there is it: Syn doesn’t appreciate to be mocked when she is asking help (even when the way to ask for help was dangerous) and she is going to put Saphire in her place.

Her way to do it is so simple, yet devastating (for Shappire at least): Why would a noble amulet chose you? – That is the real question, isn’t it? For all her talk, is painfully obvious that Shappire is not worthy of having not an amulet, but not even a simple gun. Syn’s answer: It didn’t.

Is the amulet only like a common weapon? It can be used by someone unworthy? As you can see, It doesn’t matter the awesome powers the amulet has, because Syn managed to blind Shappire. It’s like Batman taking down Green Lantern.

The real tragedy is that Syn is asking for help. And given the circumstances, it’s very difficult she would be given the help requested. The heroines are their own worst enemy: The villains are not very bright, but they know teamwork and are winning spectacularly. This is the Aesop of the issue.

Sat Dec 15, 2012 2:08 am
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Post Re: D.C.G: Teen Justice #17
Hector wrote:
Dear B69:

This deconstruction has taken a dark turn. Not very dark, but there is it: Syn doesn’t appreciate to be mocked when she is asking help (even when the way to ask for help was dangerous) and she is going to put Saphire in her place.

Her way to do it is so simple, yet devastating (for Shappire at least): Why would a noble amulet chose you? – That is the real question, isn’t it? For all her talk, is painfully obvious that Shappire is not worthy of having not an amulet, but not even a simple gun. Syn’s answer: It didn’t.

Is the amulet only like a common weapon? It can be used by someone unworthy? As you can see, It doesn’t matter the awesome powers the amulet has, because Syn managed to blind Shappire. It’s like Batman taking down Green Lantern.

The real tragedy is that Syn is asking for help. And given the circumstances, it’s very difficult she would be given the help requested. The heroines are their own worst enemy: The villains are not very bright, but they know teamwork and are winning spectacularly. This is the Aesop of the issue.

Thanks for the feedback. More info about the amulet will be revealed in future episodes, so stay tuned.

Mon Dec 17, 2012 4:03 pm
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