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Samba and the Queen of Wrestling-Rumble in Rio 2 
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Joined: Thu May 21, 2009 5:13 pm
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Post Samba and the Queen of Wrestling-Rumble in Rio 2
Samba and the Queen of Wrestling in Rumble in Rio 2

48 hours later

Galeão International Airport
Rio de Janeiro

Excitement filled the air as thousands of people gathered at the city's largest airport for the arrival of the special chartered flight that was bringing the stars of the Global Extreme Wrestling Femme to Brazil for a month long tour of the South American nations. The excitement level rose when the GEFW Boeing jet touched down on the tarmac and pulled into its arrival terminal at the airport.

It was not long before the women wrestlers of the GEFW, the good and the bad ones, were making their way through the terminal. Many stopped to pose for photos with the fans, give autographs and take interviews from the local press.

Among the arrivals who were attracting attention was the feisty 30 year old Irish American Brooke O'Neill who was considered one of the heroines of the GEFW. With her was her best friend and training partner, a cute 20 year old blonde named Reby Terrell. A Californian by birth...she had a curvy and athletic creamy body...and shoulder length blonde hair...and looked wholesome and pure.

As they signed autographs, Reby and Brooke couldn't help but notice the many posters of the GEFW's premier superheroine, the Queen of Wrestling being shown by the fans who had gathered at the airport. Her voluptuous and muscular golden tanned body, attired in a strapless sticky white leotard, her identity hidden behind a white mask that covered her head, the Queen was as known for her expert wrestling skills as she was for her awesome body.

"It's a pity these folks don't know that the Queen doesn't travel with us. I'm sure she's already here in Rio" said Brook to Reby. "Yeah. I'm sure she is" replied Reby as they made their way to one of the chartered buses that would be taking them and the rest of the GEFW contingent to the Rio Hyatt Hotel, where they would be staying for their wrestling tour of Brazil.

Brooke had no idea that her best friend Reby was in fact the Queen of Wrestling. In her handbag, Reby carried the white head mask, which transformed her into the Queen, whenever she put it on her head. She was thankful the magic of the mask allowed her to carry it on her person and it would be undetectable by any scanning device.

As they sat in the bus travelling to their hotel, Reby and Brooke couldn't help but notice many billboards and murals which depicted a voluptuous and muscular woman with gleaming copper skin, clad in a tight gleaming gold breastplate, gleaming gold bracelets on her wrists, large gleaming gold earrings on her earlobes, a thick gleaming gold belt around her wide curvy waist, sparkling blue eyes and a long mane of glossy black hair.

"Wow. Who's that?" gasped Reby who couldn't help but be aroused by this beauteous Brazilian woman.

"That's Samba! She's the Big Breasted Wonder Woman of Brazil! She's the local superheroine here! She stopped all kinds of criminals here. The stories about her say she's super strong and super fast, bullets and fire can't hurt her and she's totally natural" replied Brooke.

Reby thought about what Brooke was saying as the bus drove through the streets of Rio de Janeiro and saw many more images of Samba all around her. "She's so gorgeous, sexy and strong. The people in Brazil worship her as a goddess. Not too different than how the GEFW's fans worship me when I'm the Queen of Wrestling. There's a lot of evil in the GEFW. I'm glad Samba's not a wrestler. She's probably one opponents who I may not be able to defeat" she thought.

Leaving the airport in a private limo after getting off the GEFW chartered plane, the federation's owner Stephanie, an evil 50 year old brunette, paid limited attention to the fans at the airport, most of whom booed her, and to the multiple images of Samba along the route to the hotel.

Sponsoring a stable of evil female wrestlers to do her bidding of humbling the good female wrestlers and boosting the GEFW's ratings and audience, Stephanie was plotting how she could humble and humiliate her arch enemy, the Queen of Wrestling, who had been a thorn in her side, since she came out of nowhere months earlier.

Stephanie remembered there was a Queen of Wrestling in the GEFW's predecessor federation, Extreme Femme Wrestling, decades earlier. But she had disappeared after that federation ended. "I'll get you good Queen!! You're not going to ruin the GEFW for me" vowed Stephanie as she thought ahead to the GEFW's main event in the coming days.

1 pm

Jaime Diaz also couldn't get the GEFW main event scheduled for the Carioca Arena in the next five days.

Sitting at his desk in the office of attorney and politician Rita Collor, who he worked for as her assistant, the teenage boy stole a few glimpses on his laptop of videos of the arrival of the GEFW at Galeao International Airport, while he was doing paperwork for his boss.

He was a little disappointed not to see the Queen of Wrestling among the GEFW stars who were meeting with fans at the airport after they arrived.

Jaime was so wrapped up in his thoughts about the Queen of Wrestling, that he didn't hear Rita enter the office, as she returning from some outside meetings.

Wearing big rimmed glasses on her face, her dull shoulder length hair tied into a thick bun behind her head, wearing a baggy grey pants suit and grey flat shoes, Rita stood behind Jaime, quietly watching what he was doing.

"Uuuh...Jaime...Uuuh...you make me feel...so...haaard...in my broad all natural Brazilian Areolas
...so...haaard...in my big all natural Brazilian Nipples...Uuuuh
...so...haaard...in my big all natural Brazilian Clitoris...If you only knew...that I'm Samba...would you be so interested in that Queen of Wrestling" thought Rita with a dreamy look in her blue eyes behind her big rimmed glasses, feeling hardness and erectness in her nipples and areolas under her shirt, feeling wetness and excitement in her clitoris under her slacks, as she stood silently behind her teenage assistant who had no idea that she was there, as he looked at pictures of the Queen of Wrestling on his laptop.

Rita pushed her erotic desires for Jaime to the back of her mind as she remembered she had to keep her identity as Brazil's Big Breasted Wonder Woman a secret to keep him safe from the criminals of Brazil who did everything they could to knock her out, capture and kill her.

"Hello Jaime. Did you finish sorting those files I asked you to?" asked Rita as she announced her presence.

"Miss Collor!...Oh...I...Uhh...well...
I..." gasped Jaime in surprise as he turned round to see his boss standing behind him and realising she may have seen him watching photos of the Queen of Wrestling on his laptop.

Rita smiled briefly, amused by the brief confusion that she caused her teenage assistant who had no idea that she was his secret superheroine girlfriend Samba.

"It's ok Jaime. I get that you're into this wrestling and I've agreed to go to the matches with you. But remember we still have our work to do as well" said Rita.

"Of course Miss Collor" replied Jaime with a sigh of relief as he got back to sorting the documents that Rita had asked him too.

Rita glanced at Jaime as she sat down behind her desk in her inner office and resumed the research she was doing on Brazil's top crime cartel the Premeiro Comando.

"I need to continue my campaign as Samba against the Premeiro Comando! The cartel's intensified its activities here in Rio de Janeiro since I stopped their illegal gold mining operations in the Amazon River Basin! They may think the public attention on the GEFW's tour of Brazil will distract the authorities but as Brazil's Big Breasted Wonder Woman, I won't be" resolved Rita.

9 pm

The muscles of her voluptuous gleaming copper body accentuated, her mountainous firm gleaming copper breasts threatening to spill out from under her tight gleaming gold breastplate, her muscular gleaming copper arms extended in front of her, her gleaming copper hands clenched into fists, gleaming gold bracelets on her wrists, her thick muscular gleaming copper legs extended below her wide curvy waist which had a thick gleaming gold belt entwined around it, her tiny tight emerald green panties barely covering the space between her massive gleaming copper thighs, the exquisite sexy toes of her large erotic bare gleaming copper feet curled with tension and close together, the wind wafting over her voluptuous and muscular gleaming copper body and through her long mane of glossy black hair, large gleaming gold earrings hanging from her gleaming copper earlobes, Samba flew over the city on one of her regular nightly patrols.

Tonight, the Mighty Buxom Wonder Woman of Brazil flew over the Lapa district of Rio de Janeiro, famous for its nightlife and historical monuments. Her sparkling blue eyes looked down at the thousands of people down on the streets below spilling out of the crowded bars, restaurants and night clubs, many of them engaging in multiple, simultaneous impromptu street parties throughout every part of the district.

"The nightlife's always busy here in Lapa. It's too bad my duties as Brazil's Big Breasted Wonder Woman means I don't have the time to indulge in this kind of recreation, especially...with Jaime" thought Samba. Just thinking about the handsome teenage boy who by day was her assistant as attorney and politician Rita Collor, was enough to make the Top Heavy Wonder Woman of Brazil, feel hard in her broad all natural shiny brown areolas and in her big puffy all natural shiny brown nipples under her tight gleaming gold breastplate and wet and excited in her big all natural shiny brown clitoris under her tiny tight emerald green panties which barely covered the space between her massive gleaming copper thighs and slipped into the crack between the cheeks of her massive firm gleaming copper ass.

The Mighty Buxom Wonder Woman of Brazil pushed erotic thoughts of her secret teenage boyfriend to the back of her mind as she focused on her immediate task.

"The excessive partying is no doubt connected to the presence of these GEFW wrestlers here in Rio de Janeiro. But the larger than normal crowds could inadvertently provide cover for a lot of criminal activities, specifically activities being pursued by the Premeiro Comando Cartel" thought Samba as she flew over the district.

Down on the street mingling with the thousands of partygoers in the Lapa district, GEFW wrestler Brooke O'Neill and her trainer partner Reby Terrell were having a night on the town ahead of the big GEFW wrestling event in the city in three days time. Dressing in a way not to attract attention to themselves, Brooke and Reby looked like a pair of American female tourists, as they went hopping from different bars, restaurants and nightclubs in Lapa.

"This is fun Brooke but we should be getting back to the hotel soon. We have training and some promos to do before the fight card. You know how Stephanie likes her public relations" said Reby. Brooke looked quizzically at her best friend.

"Don't be a party pooper Reby. We got plenty of time to get back to the hotel. Let's check out some more of the sights" quipped Brooke as she grabbed Reby's right arm as they turned down a side street and made their way down the famous Escadaria Selaron, a famous staircase painted in yellow, blue and green tiles, to match the Brazilian flag, as they headed towards another part of the district.

As they walked, neither Brooke nor Reby noticed they were being watched by two thugs from the shadows of an alley. They followed the duo at a safe distance, one of them making a call on his cell phone.

10 pm

Feeling vibrations in her large gleaming gold bracelets that hung on her gleaming copper earlobes, alerting her to the presence of evil, the muscles of her voluptuous gleaming body accepted, Samba descended towards the Arcos da Lapa, an 18th Century aqueduct that was built to bring fresh water from the nearby Carioca River into the city.

Landing on ground under the aqueduct on the balls of her erotic bare gleaming copper feet, her mountainous firm gleaming copper breasts threatening to spill out from under the tight gleaming gold breastplate that barely contained them, her tiny tight emerald green panties narrowing in the space between her massive gleaming copper thighs and slipping inside of the crack between the cheeks of her massive firm gleaming copper ass, the Mighty Buxom Wonder Woman of Brazil made her way under a part of the aqueduct where she found a crowd of people surrounding a steel caged ring in which pairs of men and women, wearing flimsy speedo underwear and tiny panties were engaged in a no holds barred brawl, which the people around them were busy placing bets with the Premeiro Comando thugs who were running an illegal underground fight club there.

As Samba made her way through the crowd towards the steel caged ring, many of them drunk or high on drugs, some of the cartel thugs approached her armed with knives and blackjacks. "You got no right to be here Big Breasted Wonder Woman!!" snarled a thug as he lunged at Samba with a knife.
"I beg to differ friend!!" quipped the Top Heavy Wonder Woman of Brazil as she blocked his attack with the gleaming gold bracelet on her right wrist and then felled him with a gleaming copper left hand capoeira chop.

"Stop that Wonder Woman before she ruins the fight!!" snarled another thug, as ten more thugs came rushing towards Samba. The muscles of her voluptuous and muscular gleaming copper body accentuated, her mountainous firm gleaming copper breasts threatening to spill out from under her tight gleaming gold breastplate, her tiny tight emerald green panties narrowing in the space between her massive gleaming copper thighs and slipping inside of the crack between the cheeks of her massive firm gleaming copper ass, the Mighty Buxom Wonder Woman of Brazil effortlessly felled the ten thugs with a sequence of gleaming copper capoeira hand chops and erotic bare gleaming copper capoeira foot strikes.

Her actions caused the crowd to focus on her instead of the illegal fight taking place inside of the steel caged ring. Panicked by what they were seeing four Premeiro Comando thugs pulled out Mach-10 machine gun pistols and opened fire at the Big Breasted Wonder Woman of Brazil. Feeling the vibrations in her large gleaming gold earrings which alerted her to evil and danger, Samba turned on the balls of her large erotic bare gleaming copper feet, moving her muscular gleaming copper arms in front of her, using her gleaming gold bracelets to deflect the bullets away from her and the spectators, who fled in all directions, taking the money they had been betting on the illegal fight with them as they left.

Flexing her massive gleaming copper thighs, the Mighty Buxom Wonder Woman of Brazil leapt towards the four thugs and quickly dispatched them with a flurry of gleaming copper capoeira hand chops and erotic bare gleaming copper capoeira foot strikes. Walking over to the steel caged ring, Samba grabbed hold of the steel bars and effortlessly bent the bars, opening a space for the four combatants inside the ring to escape. After witnessing the power of the Top Heavy Wonder Woman of Brazil, they said nothing but accepted her invitation, escaping from the cage and fleeing in different directions.

Samba picked up the Premeiro Comando thugs, some unconscious and others semi-conscious. tossed them inside of the steel cage and bent the bars back into place to lock them inside the cage. She assumed her heroic pose in front of them. Her gleaming copper hands balled into fists, resting on either side of her wide curvy waist, her large erotic bare gleaming copper bare feet resting flat on the ground, her thick muscular gleaming copper legs slightly apart, her mountainous firm gleaming copper breasts pushed forward.

"That should keep you boys comfortable until the police arrive to collect you. But before they get here, any of you boys who're still conscious care to tell me why the Premeiro Comando is running underground fight clubs?" asked the Mighty Buxom Wonder Woman of Brazil to the thugs who were semi-conscious. "We're not telling you anything Wonder Woman!!" groaned one thug in response.

Out of the corner of her right sparkling blue eye, Samba spotted something lying on the ground. Her mountainous firm gleaming copper breasts swelling under her tight gleaming gold breastplate, her tiny tight emerald green panties narrowing in the space between her massive gleaming copper thighs and slipping into the crack between the cheeks of her massive firm gleaming copper ass, the Big Breasted Wonder Woman of Brazil squatted on the balls of her large erotic bare gleaming copper feet and picked up what appeared to be a business card with the insignia of the Global Extreme Wrestling Femme (GEFW).

"Any of you boys care to explain what this is?" asked Samba as she displayed the card to the semi-conscious Premeiro Comando thugs in the steel cage. Before she could get a response from them, the Top Heavy Wonder Woman of Brazil felt vibrations in her large gleaming gold earrings, telling her that evil was at work elsewhere and someone was in danger.

"Stay put boys! We'll continue this conversation when I return!" said Samba as she tucked the card into the thick gleaming gold belt that was entwined around her wide curvy waist, turned on the balls of her large erotic bare creamy feet and ran away from them, her muscular gleaming copper arms and thick muscular gleaming copper legs moving in tandem, her long mane of glossy black hair flailing in the air behind her head. Flexing her massive gleaming copper thighs, the Mighty Buxom Wonder Woman of Brazil leapt into the sky and flew away with her all natural Brazilian Speed.

10.30 pm

In a dimly lit side street, Brooke and Reby fought with a group of 10 masked thugs who were trying to get them into the back of a van.

"Get out of here Reby!! Run!! Get help!!" said Brooke as she dealt some punches and kicks to 7 of the thugs as they tried to subdue her.

"I'm not leaving you Brooke!!" said Reby as she kicked one thug in the groin and then side stepped another thug as he jumped on to another.

"Run Reby!! Get help!! I'll hold them off!!" said Brooke as she leapt towards her best friend, taking out another who was about to grab Reby, with a dropkick.

The young blonde grabbed her fallen handbag turned and ran down another side street leaving Brooke to fight against the ten masked thugs who were trying to kidnap them.

Despite her expert wrestling skills, Brooke was soon overpowered, pinned to the ground by six thugs and a cotton pad soaked in chloroform was clamped over her nose and mouth.

"HHHHHHHH...HHHHHHHHHH...HHHHHHHHH...HHH...HHH...HHH...hhh...hhhh...hhhhhhhhhh" moaned Brooke in pleasure into the pad as she was groped all over her body, especially her shapely breasts, allowing the chloroform to work faster on her and subdue her into unconsciousness.

"I didn't want to leave Brooke but this situation is more than I can handle as Reby. I got to put my mask on and become the Queen of Wrestling!" resolved Reby as she stood in the darkness of the deserted sidestreet and reached into her handbag to pull out the white head mask which transformed her into the Busty Super Wrestler whenever she put it on.

But Reby's concern for Brooke caused her to become complacent and unaware that four of the masked thugs had caught up with her, taking a shortcut through an alley.

"HEY!!...LET GO!!" cried Reby as they tackled her to the street, her handbag flying out of her hands, seconds before she could put on her magic mask.

"Knock the white bitch out fast and we take her with the other one!!" said one of the three thugs who were trying to keep the wiggling Reby pinned to the street while the fourth one lowered a chloroform-soaked cotton pad towards her face.

"NO...NO...HHHHHHH...HHHHH...HHHHH...HHHHHHH...HHHHH...HHHHHHHH...HHHHHHHHHH"moaned Reby in pleasure and panic as her top was opened as she felt her small shapely white breasts being crudely groped by the hands of three thugs while the fourth thug pressed the chloroform-soaked cotton pad over her nose and mouth.

TURN INTO....INTO...QUEEN...UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH...OF...WRESTLING...UUUUUUUUUUUUUUH...UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH" moaned Reby in panic and pleasure into the thick chloroform-soaked cotton cloth, as she inhaled more chloroform into her lungs, making her dizzier and sleepier while she was for--d to lactate, geysers of white milk shooting out of the tips of her small hard erect and bullet-shaped pale pink nipples.

Things went from bad to worse for the young blonde, as two thugs reached under her jeans while one kept groping her small shapely breasts and another kept the chloroform-soaked cotton pad clamped over her nose and mouth.

"HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" moaned Reby in renewed panic and pleasure as she felt the two thugs' hands slip under her tiny white silk panties under her jeans and felt them fingering her vigorously in her clitoris.

CAN'T HOLD ON...UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH...CAN'T GET FREE...GOING TO...UUH...WANT TO...UUUH...HAVE TO..." thought Reby unable to suppress the powerful erotic urges that were building inside of her any longer.

"HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH....HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" moaned Reby loudly in panic and pleasure into the thick chloroform-soaked cotton pad that was being clamped over her nose and mouth as she was for--d to have four gigantic orgasms in quick succession.

"This white bitch was feisty but she's finished now" gloated the thug who was pressing the chloroform-soaked cotton pad over Reby's mouth as the struggles of her shapely body became slower and slower.

"Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....hhh...hhh...hhh...hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" moaned Reby with pleasure into the thick chloroform-soaked cotton pad that was being clamped firmly over her nose and mouth, her eyelids fluttering slower and slower, a dull and hazy look in her blue eyes as her head rolled against her right shoulder, her shapely body went limp on the street as she succumbed to unconsciousness, unable to change into the Queen of Wrestling and in the same peril as her best friend Brooke, about to become another two foreign women kidnapped in Brazil by criminals and sold as sex slaves.

Just as they were about to tie up the unconscious Reby and carry back to their partners who had chloroformed Brooke into unconsciousness minutes earlier, the four thugs were startled as Samba alighted from the sky, landing on the balls of her large erotic bare gleaming copper feet before them. "You're not taking this young woman anywhere!!" declared the Mighty Buxom Wonder Woman of Brazil as she made light work of them with a flurry of gleaming copper capoeira hand cops and erotic bare gleaming copper capoeira foot strikes, which had then incapacitated and unconscious in a matter of seconds.

"Neither are your associates who captured another woman who I'm guessing is her friend!" quipped Samba as she gathered the unconscious thugs together, squatted on the balls of her large erotic bare gleaming copper feet and used her all natural Brazilian Strength to bend a steel rod around them to bind them together with a steel rod, similar to how she left the six thugs who had knocked out Brooke

Standing up, the Big Breasted Wonder Woman of Brazil walked over to where Reby lay unconscious on the street. "It's okay. You're safe now" said Samba as she slung the unconscious Reby over her left shoulder, retrieved her handbag and walked out of the side street.

11 pm

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuh" moaned Reby and Brooke in pleasure as they announced they were regaining consciousness. The two American women were surprised to see Samba standing in front of them in her heroic pose, as their vision cleared. Reby in particular was in awe of the Top Heavy Wonder Woman of Brazil's voluptuous and muscular gleaming copper body as she stood before them with her gleaming copper hands balled into fists, resting on either side of her wide curvy waist, her large erotic bare gleaming copper bare feet resting flat on the ground, her thick muscular gleaming copper legs slightly apart, her mountainous firm gleaming copper breasts pushed forward.

"You're.... You're Samba" gasped Reby in awe of the Mighty Buxom Wonder Woman of Brazil as she slowly got to her feet and helped Brooke up as well. Like Reby, Brooke too was mesmerised by Samba's amazing body. "Yes. Are you all right?" asked Samba. "Yes. We were having a night on the town when we got jumped by some guys" said Reby. "Rio de Janeiro can be a dangerous place. You were clearly targeted by members of a local cartel, the Premeiro Comando, who target foreign female tourists to be kidnapped and sold as sex slaves. Luckily for you, I was on patrol nearby. You needn't worry about those criminals. I've left them for the police to collect." replied Samba with a smile on her beauteous face.

Reby and Brooke could not get over the all natural voluptuous and muscular gleaming copper body of the Top Heavy Wonder Woman of Brazil. Reby couldn't help but feel a little jealous that Brooke was eying Samba's body in a way that she looked at her, when she was the Queen of Wrestling.

Reaching into her handbag, Brooke took out a pair of VIP tickets for the GEFW main event that was happening at the Carioca Arena in Rio de Janeiro in two days time.

"We're wrestlers with the GEFW. I know you may be busy as Brazil's Wonder Woman but it would be an honour if you could come to our event. I'm sure the Queen of Wrestling would like to thank you personally for saving us" said Brooke as she handed Samba the tickets. The Mighty Buxom Wonder Woman of Brazil accepted them, knowing how much it would mean to her teenage boyfriend Jaime Diaz.

"We'll see. I have to go now. But be careful while you're here in Brazil, the criminals here are dangerous and they're not like fake fighters in wrestling" said Samba as she turned on the balls of her large erotic bare gleaming copper feet and walked away from Brooke and Reby who watched her flex her massive gleaming copper thighs, leap into the night sky and fly away with her all natural Brazilian Speed.

"Did she just insult us after saving us?" asked Brooke. "No. She does have a point. There's a lot of fake fighting in the GEFW, especially from Stephanie's minions. But I hope Samba can come to the main event" replied Reby who silently hoped to show off her skills as the Queen of Wrestling to the Mighty Buxom Wonder Woman of Brazil.

24 hours later
Downtown Rio de Janeiro
9 am

Wearing a baggy white blouse, grey skirt and grey flat shoes, her dull black shoulder length hair tied into a bun behind her head and big rimmed glasses on her face, attorney and politician Rita Collor entered her office. She felt her nipples and areolas stiffen under the fabric of her blouse while her clitoris throbbed and felt moist under her skirt as she saw her teenage assistant Jaime Diaz already at his desk.

No matter how many times she tried, Rita always felt aroused by the handsome teenage boy, just thinking about his lean muscular brown body, long, erect penis and the way his hands felt on her body when she was having sex with him in her sexy, super-powered alter-ego, Samba, the Big Breasted Wonder Woman of Brazil. But Rita noticed her secret teenage boyfriend seemed a little sad about something.

"Morning Jaime. Is everything okay?" asked Rita with concern.

"Morning Miss Collor. I'm fine" replied Jaime as he stood up to greet his boss.

"Jaime. I know something's bothering you. Is there something I can help you with?" asked Rita.

"No. To be honest, I don't even think Samba could help with this problem. I so wanted to take you to the GEFW Main Event tomorrow...but all the tickets sold out" lamented Jaime.

"You mean tickets like these?" asked Rita rhetorically as she took the two VIP tickets which Brooke O'Neil gave her after she saved her and her friend Reby Terrell the night before as Samba.

"What??!!...I mean...How...I...I..." gasped Jaime in disbelief.

"I have my ways Jaime. I know how much this means to you and I'll be happy to go with you." replied Rita as she patted him on his left shoulder with her right hand before they went to their respective desks to carry on with their work.

Rita felt her nipples and areolas stiffen further under her blouse and the moistness in her clitoris under her skirt increase, as the feeling of doing something nice for Jaime in her regular identity made her feel good and very aroused.

"Maybe Jaime's right. I should take at least one night off as Samba and enjoy myself a little with someone I care about" thought Rita as she found herself looking forward to the GEFW Main Event.

24 hours later
Carioca Arena
Rio de Janeiro
9 pm

Despite the fact that she was secretly Samba, the Big Breasted Wonder Woman of Brazil...who had brought several dangerous criminals in Brazil to justice...and experienced many perilous situations in her superheroine adventures that saw her being exploited in her all natural breasts and all natural clitoris to knock her unconscious for hours and days...Rita Collor felt a little uneasy inside of the crowded arena where thousands of people had gathered to watch the GEFW Main Event.

Wearing a baggy white shirt, black slacks and black flat shoes, big-rimmed glasses on her face, her dull shoulder length black hair tied into a thick bun behind her head, Rita sat next to her teenage assistant Jaime Diaz in special box in the arena, which the VIP tickets allowed them to be in to witness the action. While Rita sat quietly in her seat, observing the action in the ring in the middle of the arena, she looked at Jaime who was on his feet, cheering on the various female wrestlers as match after match took place in the ring before them.

At that precise moment, they were watching Brooke O'Neill, the feisty Irish American wrestler, in action against a less attractive wrestler called Laxative Bissoo. Rita remembered that she got the VIP tickets to take Jaime and herself to the GEFW Main Event from Brooke in gratitude for saving her and her friend Reby Terrell as Samba from some Premeiro Comando cartel thugs who almost kidnapped them to be sold as sex slaves.

Rita thought about GEFW business card she found at an illegal fight club she broke up near the Arcos da Lapa in Rio de Janeiro's Lapa district as Samba.

"I should be out patrolling the city as Samba and trying to investigate why the Premeiro Comando has suddenly taken an interest in illegal fight clubs and if the GEFW is somehow connected to it" thought Rita.

Jaime's voice brought her back to the present.

"This is really awesome Miss Collor! Thanks so much for getting these tickets and agreeing to come with me!" said Jaime as he took his seat next to Rita, after Brooke's match ended and she was declared the winner.

Rita felt her nipples stiffen under her baggy shirt and her clitoris become excited as she looked at Jaime...with thoughts of his hands pleasuring her all over her naked voluptuous and muscular gleaming copper body when she was Samba.

"Uuuh...You're...Uuh...welcome...Uuh...Jaime...Uuh...Uuh" sighed Rita, as she felt very aroused being close to the teenage boy who had no idea she was his secret superheroine girlfriend.

"Miss Collor...?...Are you okay?" asked Jaime as he looked curiously at his boss.

Before Rita could reply, the lights in the arena dimmed as the announcement was made over the public address system that the main match of the evening was about to start.

A spotlight shone down on the ring in the center of the arena where Stephanie, owner of the GEFW, stood with a microphone in her left hand.

"Hola Rio!! Welcome to the GEFW!!" said Stephanie to the roar of the crowd in the arena.

As their cheers subsided, Stephanie continued her introduction.

"We are here to excite and entertain!! You waited for it!! You wanted it !! It's time for...the MAIN EVENT" declared Stephanie and the crowd cheered again.

"This is a no holds barred match and scheduled for one fall" said Stephanie.

Activity was seen at one tunnel of the arena as a muscular African woman with dreadlocked hair made her way towards the arena, escorted by two smaller female minions

"Introducing the challenger....all the way from Darkest Africa.....THE JUNGLE!!!" declared Stephanie as the busty African brawler entered the ring to boos and jeers from the crowd.

In their box in the arena, Rita was amused as she watched Jaime joining in the booing of the busty African who she knew she would easily beat when she was Samba.

She observed that Stephanie appeared annoyed that large sections of the crowd were booing the Jungle.

"This has to be part of the act. I'm really not impressed with this wrestling. But it means a lot to Jaime" thought Rita as she watched her secret teenage boyfriend being very animated and passionate about what he was seeing in the ring.

Rita looked back at the big tv screens around the ring which showed Stephanie looking more annoyed as she prepared to speak again.

"And her opponent...now entering the ring" said Stephanie as the lights dimmed in the arena again.

The sound of rock n' roll music played over the speakers in the arena as a thick white cloud emerged from another tunnel leading into the arena, followed by stars glittering in the darkness.

In contrast, cheers rose from the crowd as a voluptuous and muscular woman with golden tanned skin, wearing a strapless thin tight white leotard and a white mask covering her entire head, a long plume of golden hair flowing out of the back of her head mask and reaching the middle of her back.

"It's her!!...It's really her!!" said Jaime to Rita with excitement in his voice as he got to his feet and joined the crowd in chanting the name of the beauteous and buxom masked wrestler as she strolled confidently towards the arena to the adulation of the crowd.

"QUEEN !!....QUEEN!! ...QUEEN OF WRESTLING!!...QUEEN!!...QUEEN!!" Jaime and the majority of the crowd chanted as the Queen of Wrestling walked through the arena and climbed into the ring. Flexing her muscular golden tanned arms and long muscular golden tanned legs, the Buxom Masked Wrestler excited the crowd even further as she accentuated the muscles of her golden tanned body, causing her huge firm golden tanned breasts to bunch together and threaten to spill out from under her tight strapless white leotard to the chagrin of Stephanie and the Jungle who looked at her with scorn and jealousy as they stood in the ring with her as the crowd kept cheering her name.

Her blue eyes focused on Stephanie through the slits of her white head mask, the Queen of Wrestling approached the GEFW owner who was her arch nemesis.

"Good luck Queen of Wrestling!" scoffed Stephanie into the microphone with a evil grin on her face. Jaime and the majority of the crowd booed in response to her words.

"Justice always wins Stephanie! I'm ready for whatever you have planned for me!!" declared the Queen of Wrestling into the same microphone.

"Yay!!...Queen of Wrestling!! Yay!! Yay!!" yelled Jaime who was on his feet cheered the Busty Masked Wrestler along with the majority of the spectators in the arena. Rita adjusted her big rimmed glasses on her face as she observed how excited her teenage assistant was about the Queen of Wrestling and how he couldn't take his eyes off of her voluptuous and muscular golden tanned body.

"I can't believe how obsessed that Jaime is by all of this. All of this wrestling is fake fighting. Why is he looking at this Queen of Wrestling's body so much? He wouldn't be looking at her if I was here as Samba" thought Rita with a smile on her face, putting Jaime's excitement down to teenage hormones as she settled into her seat to watch the match between the Queen of Wrestling and the Jungle as the bell sounded for the start of the match.

10 pm

Rita was feeling bored as she watched the match between the Queen of Wrestling and the Jungle taking place in the middle of the Carioca Arena. The 28 year old lady lawyer and politician couldn't understand why many people in the arena, including her teenage assistant who was watching the match in a VIP box with her, were on their feet and hanging on to every action inside of the ring, as the Queen of Wrestling dominated the Jungle with her superior strength, speed and stamina, sending her to the canvas with a sequence of punches, kicks and throws while taking the adoration of the spectators in the arena.

"This is clearly all staged. I don't know why Jaime can't see through that. This is not like the real fights that I have with criminals when they're Samba and all the ways they come up with to knock me unconscious and capture me" thought Rita as she looked at Jaime cheering on the Queen of Wrestling in the ring.

In a VIP Box of her own in another part of the arena, Stephanie was watching the match with growing anger and disgust as the Jungle was unable to lay a finger on the Queen of the Wrestling. But as usual, she had come up with a plan to humiliate the Busty Masked Wrestler. Picking up her cell phone, Stephanie sent a text to set her latest evil plan in motion.

As the Queen of Wrestling made a spin in mid-air and planted the ball of her left erotic bare golden tanned foot into the face of the Jungle, sending the stocky African crashing to the canvas in the middle of the ring, a cloud of pink smoke descended from the rafters of the arena and shrouded the ring for five minutes.

"This has to be part of the act" thought Rita as she looked at Jaime who was on his feet in their VIP box, cheering on the Queen of Wrestling, along with most of the people in the arena.

But down in the ring, the Queen of Wrestling realised this was another clever trap from Stephanie which she had fallen into.

"Uuuuuuuuuuh...This smoke...it's an aphrodisiac gas...Uuuuuuuuuh...Everyone in the GEFW knows...Uuuuuuuuuuuh
I got a big weakness for sex...Uuh...my nipples...my areolas...are so...haa...haa...haaaard...want to lactate...Uuuuuh...my clitoris...is so...haa...haa...haaard...Uuuh...wet...Uuuuh...excited...Uuuh...got to cum...No...Uuh...got to fight it...Uuuh...Uuuh...Uuuh" moaned the Queen of Wrestling in pleasure as she staggered on the balls of her erotic bare golden tanned feet, flailing her golden tanned muscular arms in front of her as the cloud of pink aphrodisiac gas began to dissipate to the pleasure of Stephanie and the small number of fans who supported the Jungle.

"UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNH...UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNH" moaned the Queen of Wrestling loudly in pain as the Jungle's two female helpers rushed into the ring...each of them grabbing one of her large firm golden tanned breasts and squeezing them. Flexing her muscular golden tanned arms, the Busty Super Wrestler managed to throw them off her, but the effort made her dizzier as the aphrodisiac gas took its toll on her super erogenous body.

The Jungle got to her feet and angrily lunged into the Queen of Wrestling.

"UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNH" moaned the Queen of Wrestling loudly in pain as the thick right elbow of the Jungle hit her in her large firm golden tanned breasts with the force of a battering ram, making her head reel with growing dizziness.

"Come on Queen!! Fight back!!" yelled Jaime as he and most of the spectators in the arena, cheered on the Queen of Wrestling, urging her to fight back as she took a series of punishing fists from the Jungle to her large firm golden tanned breasts, her head and toned abdomen.

"This has to be the biggest charade I've ever seen" thought Rita as she watched the Jungle dish out brutal punishment to the Queen of Wrestling who seemed helpless to respond. As she watched the action taking place in the ring in the middle of the arena, some thin wisps of the pink aphrodisiac gas from the ring filtered inside of the VIP box where she and Jaime were.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuh...all of a sudden...Uuuuuuuuh...I feel...Uuuuuuuuh...haa...haa...haaaard...in my broad all natural Brazilian Areolas...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuh...in my big all natural Brazilian Nipples" moaned Rita in pleasure, as her blue eyes fluttered behind her big rimmed glasses and she sagged slightly in her seat, as she briefly felt light-headed. Caught up in the thrill of watching the action taking place in the ring in the middle of the arena, Jaime had no idea of what was happening with Rita.

Her eyelids becoming heavy behind her big rimmed glasses, her blue eyes starting to become dull, her temples spinning....Rita felt a growing urge to play with her nipples under her baggy shirt...as she looked in the direction of her teenage assistant, seeing the outline of his stiff and erect penis against the fabric of his jeans as he stood up in their VIP Box, cheering on the Queen of Wrestling who was on the receiving end of some brutal punishment to her large firm golden tanned breasts and to the space between her large golden tanned thighs from a rejuvenated and vengeful Jungle.

"UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH...UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH...UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH" moaned the Queen of Wrestling loudly in pain and pleasure as the Jungle pulled down the top of her tight white strapless leotard...then punched, slapped and squeezed her naked large firm golden tanned breasts to the horror of many of the spectators but to the delight of a smaller group of spectators in the arena...as she tossed the Busty Super Wrestler effortlessly around the ring.

"Not so tough now huh Queenie!!" sneered the Jungle as she tied the dazed Busty Super Wrestler up in the ropes of the ring and continued to punch, kick, slap and squeeze her naked large firm golden tanned breasts.

 "UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH...UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH...UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH" moaned the Queen of Wrestling loudly in pain and pleasure, her blue eyes fluttering in the slits of her white head mask, feeling growing hardness and erectness in her exposed wide bronze areolas and in her big puffy hard erect and bullet-shaped bronze nipples, unable to do anything to defend herself to the delight of Stephanie and some of the spectators in the arena who were enjoying the show.

"Come on Queen!! Come on!!" yelled Jaime, aroused by the action in the ring. So much so, he was unaware of what was happening in the VIP box that he was in, with his boss, attorney and politician Rita Collor, struggling to fight the effects of the aphrodisiac gas that wafted through the arena, after it was used to place the Queen of Wrestling in her current peril which was very real.

"Uuuuuuuh...some kind...Uuuuh
...of...Uuuuuuh...aphrodisiac gas...Uuuuuuh....making me...
...Uuuuh...got to fight it...Uuuuh...
Uuuh" moaned Rita in pleasure...feeling the urge to play with herself in front of Jaime.

But remembering this would reveal her identity as Samba to Jaime and other people in the arena, Rita suppressed the growing erotic thoughts in her mind.

She looked at the events transpiring in the ring in the middle of the arena which the spectators thought was act.

"It seems the Queen of Wrestling has weaknesses similar to mine when I'm Samba. There's foul play going on here. I think it's time to restore the balance" resolved Rita as she slipped out of the VIP Box, unnoticed by Jaime.

Finding a deserted corridor in the arena, Rita removed her big-rimmed glasses from her face and began to spin on a single spot, An emerald green aura appeared around her body as she felt herself becoming sexier and stronger within the aura, her baggy clothes disappearing as her body became more voluptuous and muscular.

When the aura faded, Rita Collor had completed her amazing transformation into Samba, the Big Breasted Wonder Woman of Brazil. Standing 8 ft tall, she had a voluptuous and muscular gleaming copper body that was barely clad by a tight gleaming gold breastplate which barely covered her naked mountainous firm gleaming copper breasts, a thick gleaming gold belt around her wide curvy waist, a tiny tight emerald green panty which barely covered the space between her massive firm gleaming copper thighs and slipped into the crack between the cheeks of her massive firm gleaming copper ass, gleaming gold bracelets on her wrists, large gleaming gold earrings hanging from her earlobes, a long mane of glossy black hair flowing from the top of her head on to her broad gleaming copper shoulders like a waterfall and reaching the middle of her exposed chiseled gleaming copper back.

"Now to give Jaime and this crowd a show they won't forget" resolved Samba as she sprinted down the corridor with her all natural Brazilian Speed, her mountainous firm gleaming copper breasts threatening to spill out from under her tight gleaming gold breastplate, her muscular gleaming copper arms and thick muscular gleaming copper legs moving in tandem, her long mane of glossy black hair flailing behind her head as she ran.

In a tunnel that led into the ring, Brooke O'Neill was being prevented by a group of eight security guards from going to the aid of her secret girlfriend, the Queen of Wrestling. "You got to let me through!! The Queen needs me!!" cried Brooke as she unsuccessfully tried to fight her way past the guards. "No one gets close to the ring till the match is over!! Boss' orders!!" snarled one of the guards as the other five guards restrained the feisty, shapely Irish American who could do nothing except watch with a combination of fear, anger and arousal as she saw live images on the large screens around the inside of the arena of close up action inside of the ring as the Jungle dealt a series of punishing blows to the naked large firm golden tanned breasts of the Queen of Wrestling which made her moan in pain and pleasure as she was bound in the ropes of the ring, unable and unwilling to defend herself.

...UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH" moaned Queen of Wrestling in pain and pleasure...her blue eyes barely open in the slits of her white head mask...her head sagging between her naked large firm golden tanned breasts as she allowed the Jungle to mercilessly punch and kick her there.

"Got that right Queenie! Stephanie wants you beaten and humiliated good! You got a big weakness for sex! Now it's time to finish your ass!" sneered the Jungle as she motioned to her two female helpers.

They climbed into the ring and pulled the Busty Super Wrestler's strapless thin tight white leotard down to her knees...exposing her neatly trimmed blonde pubic bush and her big hard wet and excited bronze clitoris between her wide open golden tanned thighs.

Gasps of awe and arousal filled the arena as the large screen tv's showed close up's of the Queen of Wrestling's sex.

"Welcome to the Jungle!!" sneered the Jungle as she motioned to her two helpers.

Each of them took out electric vibrators which they applied to each of the sexy summits of the Queen of Wrestling's naked large firm golden tanned breasts. "UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH...UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH...UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH
...UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH" moaned the Queen of Wrestling in pain and pleasure, writhing helplessly, her muscular golden tanned arms trapped in the ropes of the ring, unable to free herself.

"You like that huh? Then you'll dig this!!" sneered the Jungle who took out another electric vibrator and applied it directly to the Busty Super Wrestler's exposed big hard wet shiny pink clitoris.

HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" moaned the Queen of Wrestling loudly in pleasure as she felt growing pressure inside of her big hard wet excited and camel toe-shaped shiny pink cunt as she approached an almighty orgasm which she knew who knock her unconscious and make it easy for the Jungle to pin her.

But seconds before the Busty Super Wrestler could succumb to a certain defeat, the Jungle, her two helpers and everyone in the arena were shocked into silence as Samba alighted into middle of the ring, landing on the balls of her large erotic bare gleaming copper feet. The Mighty Buxom Wonder Woman of Brazil assumed her heroic pose. Her gleaming copper hands balled into fists, resting on either side of her wide curvy waist, her large erotic bare gleaming copper feet resting flat on the canvas of the ring, her thick muscular gleaming copper legs slightly apart, her mountainous firm gleaming copper breasts threatening to spill out from under her tight gleaming gold breastplate which barely contained them.

"What??....Who??..." gasped Stephanie...shocked and angry...to see what she planned to be the humiliation and defeat of the Queen of Wrestling to be interrupted by the most beauteous, voluptuous and muscular woman she had ever seen...even more so than the Queen of Wrestling who was her arch enemy.

The crowd in the arena responded to the unspoken question from the GEFW owner.

"Samba!! Samba!! Samba!! Samba!!" they shouted.

"Three against one isn't a fair fight! You must really be intimidated by the Queen of Wrestling to resort to these kinds of tactics! Why don't try fighting a real woman!!" declared Samba.

"Nobody talks to me like that!! Get that bitch!!" snarled the Jungle at her two female helpers. Not knowing who the Mighty Buxom Wonder Woman of Brazil was and thinking she was part of the act that Stephanie had planned, the two helpers charged at Samba. Using her all natural Brazilian Speed and using her expert capoeira fighting skills, Samba broke out of her heroic pose and danced on the balls of her large erotic bare copper feet as she evaded the wild lunges of the two female helpers, to the cheers of the crowd but to the chagrin of the Jungle and GEFW owner Stephanie as she was watching from her VIP Box in the arena.

"No!! No!! No!! Do something you idiot!!" screamed Stephanie as she watched Samba easily dodging the Jungle's two female helpers with her all natural Brazilian Speed while the Jungle looked on, turning her back to the Queen of Wrestling, who was naked and tied up in the ropes of the ring, rivers of white milk flowing out of the tips of her big puffy hard erect and bullet-shaped bronze nipples and her big hard wet and excited bronze clitoris primed for a gigantic orgasm that would tame her into submission and make it.

The crowd cheered as Samba displayed her all natural Brazilian Strength and expert capoeira fighting skills, taking out one helper with a gleaming copper left hand chop and the other with a gleaming copper right erotic bare foot strike, with split second timing, sending both of them flying out of the ring and crashing into the barricades around the ring. The helpers uttered low moans as they collapsed unconscious to the cold concrete floor of the arena.

Realising that for the second time the Mighty Buxom Wonder Woman of Brazil was rescuing her, Reby Terrell in the form of her sexy, super-powered alter-ego the Queen of Wrestling, shook off the effects of the aphrodisiac gas and the electric vibrators on her naked large firm golden tanned breasts and big brown clitoris.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH...AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH" moaned the Jungle loudly in pain as the Queen of Wrestling closed her large golden tanned thighs around her head, flailing her stocky arms and legs in futile efforts to free her. "Give it up Jungle!! Nobody can escape from my thigh master sleeper hold!!" quipped the Queen of Wrestling as she tightened her large firm golden tanned thighs even more around the Jungle's head...to the growing cheers of the majority crowd.

"Queen of Wrestling!! Queen of Wrestling!!" they chanted.

"UUUH...UUUUH...UUUUUUH...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh" moaned the Jungle in pain and pleasure, catching a whiff of the fragrant aroma from the Queen of Wrestling's big semi-hard wet and excited brown clitoris, before the air supply to her lungs was cut off and she passed out, trapped between.

The crowd cheered again as the Busty Super Wrestler released her hold on the unconscious Jungle, whose stocky ebony body dropped to the canvas with a hefty thud, got to her erotic bare golden tanned feet and donned her strapless tight white leotard, as the bell rang to signal the end of the match and that she had once again emerged victorious.

From where she stood in a tunnel in the arena, still prevented by security guards from getting to the ring, Brooke O'Neill was still shocked and aroused by the sudden appearance of Samba and how she helped the Queen of Wrestling, who was her secret

The Queen of Wrestling walked towards the middle of the ring where Samba stood in her heroic pose. Her gleaming copper hands balled into fists resting on either side of her wide shapely waist, her large erotic bare gleaming copper feet flat on the canvas surface of the ring, her thick muscular gleaming copper legs spread slightly apart, her mountainous firm gleaming copper breasts, threatening to spill out from under her tight gleaming gold breastplate pushed towards her with confidence.

Reby couldn't help but feel her big puffy brown nipples harden...and her big brown clitoris become wet and excited under her tight white strapless leotard...as she stood before the Mighty Buxom Wonder Woman for the second time....but on this occasion in her sexy super powered alter-ego as the GEFW's Buxom Super Champion. It was unusual for her to be in the presence of a beauteous woman that exuded all natural strength and sexuality...and who attracted more attention than she did as the Queen of Wrestling.

"Thanks for saving me. I owe you Samba" said the Queen of Wrestling as she extended her right golden tanned hand to the Top Heavy Wonder Woman of Brazil. Samba accepted it with her right gleaming copper hand and then raised their hands in the air to the roar of the crowd in the arena. She silently knew that this was making her secret teenage boyfriend Jaime Diaz very aroused as he was mesmerised by the events happening in the ring. "I wonder if Jaime has noticed that Rita Collor isn't with him right now?" wondered Samba rhetorically as she and the Queen of Wrestling let go of each other's hands.

"No thanks are necessary. As Brazil's Big Breasted Wonder Woman, I promote fairness as well as fight for truth and justice. I have to go now but I'll advise you to be careful while you're hear in Brazil Queen of Wrestling. There's evil everywhere and you could be an easy target for criminals" said Samba before flexing her massive gleaming copper thighs, leaping into the air and flying out of the arena with her all natural Brazilian speed, with the crowd chanting her name as well as that of the Queen of Wrestling.

" I wonder what she meant by that?" thought Reby as she made her way out of the ring and back towards the dressing room in the arena, taking time to sign autographs and take selfies with the fans.

To be continued.

Fri Dec 15, 2023 10:41 pm
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