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Crocodile Woman and Kangaroo Woman- Hands of the Dandees 
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Joined: Thu May 21, 2009 5:13 pm
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Post Crocodile Woman and Kangaroo Woman- Hands of the Dandees
Crocodile Woman and Kangaroo Woman – Hands of Dandees

Nitmiluk National Park

Northern Territory


4 pm

The muscles of her voluptuous creamy body accentuated, her large firm creamy breasts threatening to spill out from under her thin tight croc skin bathing suit, Crocodile Girl swam underwater with the speed of 20 saltwater crocodiles as she patrolled the rivers and lakes within this protected nature reserve.

The Busty Croc Teen smiled to herself as she remembered that hours earlier she was in her regular identity as Barbara Darwin, 18 year old zoologist and veterinarian who ran the Darwin Zoo in the city of Katherine in the Northern Territory with her twin sibling Bobby Darwin.

"i knaow unduhstahnd haow empaowered mum fayls weeth ooll thaese supah paowers, runnin around in the eow'bahck, foightin croiminuls and fycin ooll koinds of paereels!" thought Crocodile Girl as she swam with super speed through the dark green river waters which flowed into and out of a series of lakes in the park.

She remembered it was only recently that she learnt that her 40 year old mother Terri Darwin, who ran the Darwin Foundation, that ran the zoo and promoted conservation efforts throughout Australia and beyond, had secretly been the famous superheroine Crocodile Woman for many years, keeping that secret from Bobby and herself.

"i used t' theenk mum laed a bohin loife and wahsn't inteahsted in whaht bawbby and Oy diied. buh' naow Oy knaow she was protectin us ooll the toime whoile foightin aguynst evil as crocodoile womahn, gettin knawcked eow' and cuypchuhd whaen we deedn't say hah faw dies. naow thaht Oy gawt some of hah supah paowers, Oy cahn haelp hah foigh' croime and nawt geh' knawcked eow' too often" thought Crocodile Girl.

The Busty Croc Teen's thoughts were interrupted when she felt her big puffy nipples shoot to attention under her thin tight croc bathing suit which has a huge slit in the front, allowing easy access to her large firm creamy breasts and to her big shiny pink clitoris, located within the thick matted brown pubic bush between her large creamy thighs.

"Ohhh...my biieg crocodoile neepples ahh teenglin...toime faw me t' geh' intao action, stawp some croiminuls and geh' bahck t' the dahwin rahnch t' hahve deennah weeth bawbby. nao nayd faw me t' cohl mum faw haelp" resolved Crocodile Girl as she swam faster, following the sensations in her big teen nipples into a lake in the park where there was a small wooden jetty.

The Busty Croc Teen saw a group of six thugs there, who were loading crates of cocaine into the back of a speed boat.

Flexing her large creamy thighs, Crocodile Girl leapt out of the water, landing on the jetty on the balls of her erotic bare creamy feet. Her green eyes stared through the slits of the croc mask which covered the upper part of her beauteous face, framed by her long mane of tousled brown hair, as she recognised one of the men who was not unmasked.

The Northern Territory's most wanted felon, former guide and zookeeper, Crocodile Woman's arch enemy.

"Moike dahnday! thiies is yoah lucky die! yah and yoah boys ahh gaowin t' be braw' t' justoice tuh-die boy me, crocodoile guhl, sao Oy suggest yah surrendah paysaefully" declared Crocodile Girl as she assumed her heroic pose before them.

Her creamy hands balled into fists, resting on either side of her thick shapely waist, her erotic bare creamy feet flat on the wooden jetty, her large firm creamy breasts threatening to spill out from under her flimsy tight croc bathing suit.

"Yah shouldn't steeck yah biieg tayn teets wheah thy daon't belawng crocodoile guhl! yah'll hahve t' geh' whaht Oy plahnned t' geeve t' crocodoile womahn!" snarled Dandee as he ordered the six thugs to attack the Busty Croc Teen.

"Yah should hahve tyken moy offah t' surrendah paysaefully! naow Oy'll hahve t' defayt yah weeth the straength, stuymina and spayd of 20 sahltwottah crocodoiles!" quipped Crocodile Girl as she leapt forward and planted the ball of her erotic left bare creamy foot into a thug's dick, making him collapse to the jetty, before felling two more with left and right creamy hand chops to their throats.

The Busty Croc Teen effortlessly took out the last three thugs with a sequence of punches and kicks. In a matter of minutes, all six thugs were unconscious on the wooden jetty., some of the crates of cocaine sinking into the lake.

Drawing a knife, Mike Dandee entered the fray and lunged at Crocodile Girl.

"Stahnd steell leettle busty guhl! sao Oy cahn hiieh' yah!" snarled Mike as he made several swings at the Busty Croc Teen and failed to hit her.

"You knaow thaht yaw nao mahtch faw crocodoile womahn in a faeh foigh' mr dahnday!!...the syme goes faw me weeth moy straength, stuymina and spayd of 20 sahltwottah crocodoiles!! crocodoile womahn's nawt the only supuhhaeroine thaht crooks loike yah gawt t' dayl weeth heah in the eow'bahck!!" quipped Crocodile Girl with a smile on her beauteous face framed by her long mane of tousled brown hair, the muscles of her voluptuous and muscular creamy body accentuated as she easily dodged the wild swings of the seasoned criminal Mike Dandee's knife.

As he missed with one swing, the Busty Croc Teen seized her chance and drove the ball of her erotic right bare creamy foot into Dandee's groin.

"UGGH" groaned Dandee in pain, dropping his knife to the jetty and leaving himself defenseless.

"Guyme's ovah mr dahnday!! yah've bayn bayten boy crocodoile guhl!! toime t' sie noigh' noigh'!!" quipped Crocodile Girl as she dealt him a left creamy fist into the middle of his face.

"UHHH" groaned Dandee as the force of the punch knocked him off his feet and left him sprawled on his back on the wooden jetty.

He was dazed as he looked at the Busty Croc Teen assume her heroic pose in front of him again.

She was brimming with confidence having defeated the arch enemy of her mother Crocodile Woman.

"Moike dahnday's nawt as tuff as mum mykes hiiem eow' t' be. she's sao much strawngah as crocodoile womahn buh' steell she laets hiiem geh' the uppah hahnd and knawck hah eow'. Oy daon't geh' whoy she theenks it's fun." thought Crocodile Girl.

"Yah stie roigh' wheah yah ahh mr dahndie whoile Oy tyke eow' some crawc twoine frawm the roigh' strahp of moy crawc bahthin suih' t' tie yah up! Crocodoile womahn oveahstimytes yah a lawt! thaht's nawt a meestyke Oy'll evah muyke!" quipped the Busty Croc Teen as she stood with her creamy hands balled into fists, resting on either side of her thick shapely waist, her erotic bare creamy feet flat on the wooden jetty, her large firm creamy breasts threatening to spill out from under her flimsy tight croc bathing suit.

She was confused when she saw Mike Dandee smile at her.

"Yaw a seelly biieg braysted leettle guhl! yah gawt the syme prawblem loike moy baest friend crocodoile womahn! yah loike t' saelebryte yoah veectohoys praemahturely!" snarled Mike.

Crocodile Girl was about to ask the notorious criminal what he meant, when she felt her big puffy nipples shoot to attention under her thin tight croc bathing suit, her large firm creamy breasts threating to slip out from under its flimsy straps.

"Whaht??!!...hawld thaht thaw' mr dahnday!!...my biieg tayn crocodoile neepples ahh faylin hahd!!...iluhtin me t' duyngah!!...be bahck t' yah in a saecawnd!!" quipped the Busty Croc Teen as she turned on the balls of her erotic bare creamy feet, in the direction of the new threat she sensed.

But she was too slow as a young woman armed with a blowgun fired two darts at her.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunh...i've bayn shawt...uuuuuuuuuuuuunh ...in moy biieg tayn crocodoile neepples...dahts...shyped loike crocodoiles...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...thy hahve cahfentynil on thaem...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...gaowin t' wehk on moy biieg tayn crocodoile neepples fahst...mykin thaem...haa...haa...haaaaaaaaaaaaaahd ...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...deezzy...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh ...wayk...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...slaypy" moaned Crocodile Girl in pain and pleasure as she swayed helplessly on the balls of her erotic bare creamy feet, her green eyes fluttering in the croc mask which covered the upper part of her beauteous face framed by her long mane of tousled brown hair as the unknown woman approached her.

The Busty Croc Teen did nothing at the woman removed the darts from her throbbing big puffy nipples.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...whao ahh yah...uuuuuuuuuuuuh ..why diied yah shoot me?...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh stawp...dawn't expose moy lahge tayn crocodoile braysts... uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...thyah one of the soahsses of moy supah paowers...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...i cahn't stawp yah...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh... Oy daon't wahnt t'...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh" moaned Crocodile Girl in pleasure as she allowed the strange woman, who appeared to be her age, to pull aside the flimsy straps of her thin tight croc bathing suit to expose her naked large firm creamy breasts.

"uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...plyyin weeth moy biieg haaaaaaaaaahd tayn crocodoile neepples...mykin moy woide tayn crocodoile areolahs...haaa...haaa...haaaaaaaaaaahd too...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...fayls good...uuuuuuuuuuuh...losin moy straength, stuymina and spayd of 20 sahltwottah crocodoiles...yaw gaowin t' myke me...lahctuyte...uuuuuh...uuuuh...uuuuuuh" moaned Crocodile Girl as the woman played with her big puffy shiny pink nipples, making them hard, erect and bullet-shaped, causing geysers of white milk to shoot out of their hardened tips, simultaneously making her wide shiny pink areolas hard as well.

The woman have the Busty Teen Croc no chance to regain the advantage, getting behind her sliding her thin tight croc bathing suit down to her erotic bare creamy feet, locating her big shiny pink clitoris in the middle of her thick matted brown pubic bush between her large creamy thighs.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh..stawp...uuuuuuuuuuuuuh pluyyin...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...weeth moy biieg tayn crocodoile clitohees...mykin me...hhh...hhh...hawt...hhh ...hhh...hhh...hohny...hhh...hhh...hhh...haelpless...mykin the effects of the cahfentynil strawngah...i gawt t'...uuh...wahnt t'...uuh...yaw gaowin t' myke me...uuh...uuuh...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh" moaned Crocodile Girl as the woman brought her to a gigantic orgasm, a waterfall of thick white cum being discharged from her big hard wet and excited shiny pink cunt which quickly assumed a camel toe shape as she collapsed into the arms of her expert foe, feeling dizzy, weak and sleepy.

"Whao ahh yah??...haow do yah knaow sao much abeow' me?? whoy ahh yah doin thiies??" moaned Crocodile Girl in pleasure, as she struggled to stay conscious, her green eyes fluttering in the slits of the thin croc mask which stretched across the upper part of her beauteous face, framed by her long mane of tousled brown hair, realising that she was about to be defeated and feeling very excited about it was exciting.

"Yaw beautiful buh' oolsao very stupid crocodoile guhl buh' yah nayd t' shuh' up naow sao Oy cahn tohk t' moike" replied the woman.

"Nao. ..uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...you've gawt t' answah moy questions...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...you've drugged me good in moy biieg tayn crocodoile neepples...uuuuuuuuuuuh ...myde thaem...haaaaaaahd...sao haaaaaaaahd...fayl sao slaypy....gawt t' stie awuyke...lawng enough...tao foind eow'...whao. ..whao. ..are yah...uuuuh...uuuuuh" moaned Crocodile Girl in pleasure as the woman who was holding her from behind, stroked her big hard wet and excited shiny pink clitoris in the middle of her thick matted brown pubic bush between her large creamy thighs with her left middle and index fingers.

"Thaen laeh' me introduce myself. moy nyme is Livy...Livy Dahnday. Moike is moy biieg bruhthah" replied the young woman as she and the beaten Busty Croc Teen watched Mike Dandee stand up in front of them with a smug look on his face.

"Loike Oy side, yah saelebryted praemahturely crocodoile guhl! Just loike moy good friend crocodoile womahn! Thiies is the paht wheah yah geh' whaht's comin t' yah just loike hah. Myke hah smaell hah crocodoile cum livy and puh' hah t' slayp!" said Mike.

Livy smiled at her older brother as she did what he said and held her cum-stained left middle and index fingers directly under the beaten Busty Croc Teen's nose.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...you dahndays...uuuuuh dawn't foigh' faeh...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...i wahsn't expectin...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...tao geh' knawcked eow' tuh-die...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...i naow say whoy...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...crocodoile womahn loikes gettin knawcked eow'...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...by yah mr dahnday...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...my biieg tayn crocodoile neepples...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...bayn myde haaaaaaaaaaaaahd...by cahfentynil trahnquiloizah dahts...my straength...stuymina...spayd...of 20 sahltwottah crocodoiles...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...are gone...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...i gawt laess reseestahnce...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...tao drugs...and moy own tayn crocodoile cum...thahn crocodoile womahn hahs t' drugs and hah crocodoile cum...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh ...cahn't stie awuyke...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...weell be knawcked eow'...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...fah the naext thray hours...weell say yah dahndays luytah...noigh' noigh'...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh" moaned Crocodile Girl as her green eyes rolled up in the slits of her croc mask that stretched across the upper part of her beauteous face framed by her long mane of tousled brown hair, slowly closing as her head sagged between her naked large firm creamy breasts, her naked voluptuous and muscular creamy body going limp in the grips of Livy Dandee as she succumbed to unconsciousness.

Livy let go of the beaten Busty Croc Teen, causing her to collapse on her back on the wooden jetty with a heft thud. Mike Dandee stood next to his younger sister with pride as they looked down at Crocodile Girl as she lay sprawled out on her back, her muscular creamy arms limp past her head, her thick muscular creamy legs spread wide open below her thick shapely waist, rivers of white milk flowing freely out of the tips of her big puffy hard erect and bullet-shaped shiny pink nipples as her naked large firm creamy breasts rose and fell slowly, her thick muscular legs spread wide open below her thick shapely waist, a waterfall of thick white cum flowing freely out of her big hard wet excited and camel toe-shaped shiny pink cunt, her erotic bare creamy feet resting on the boards of the wooden jetty on their smooth heels, wide spaces between her sexy toes with short, glossy toenails as she lay totally devastated, defeated and unconscious.

"Theah's nao plyce loike home ey moikay? Oy raylly meessed yah and ooll the fun thaht yah've bayn hahvin bahck heah in Austruylia" said Livy as she looked at her big brother with a smile.

"Yayh. Oy meessed yah too livy.i'm a leettle suhproised t' say yah/ buh' we cahn tohk moah at moy pluyce" replied Mike.

"Buh' whaht abeow' crocodoile guhl? yaw just gaowin t' layve hah heah? wouldn't she troy t' fawllaow yah whaen she wykes up?" asked Livy.

"Nao wohroys livy. the smaell of hah crawc cum weell kayp hah spyced eow' faw a biieh' even whaen she wykes up. she wawn't be able t' fawllaow us buh' she weell taell crocodoile womahn whaht hahppaened and whaen thy come lookin faw us. we'll hahve lawts of fun"" laughed Mike as he and Livy got into a boat and made their escape, leaving Crocodile Girl naked and unconscious on the wooden jetty along with the other thugs who she had defeated and were also unconscious around her.

Unknown location

Northern Territory


5 pm

At his hideout in the Outback, Mike Dandee entertained his younger sister Livy.

She was always the smartest of the family. While he was happy to see her, Mike was baffled as to why she was back in Australia.

"I'm suhproised t' say yah bahck heah livy. Oy thaw' yah weah enjoyin bein a biieg scienteest bahck theah in englahnd"said Mike.

Livy smiled at her big brother, who she was always in awe of.

"Waell aftah Oy grahduated frawm oxfoahd. Oy koind of gawt boahd. those steeffs in englahnd couldn't hahndle moy scientoific intelloigence. ooll the toime Oy was raydin abeow' yah and ooll the toimes yah took eow' the crocodoile womahn weeth the crawc chlorofohm. looks loike it's wehkin grite"" said Livy.

'"Baettah thahn Oy would hahve hoped. thighnks faw the teeps yah saent on haow t' improve ih'. Oy reckawn crocodoile womahn's addeected t' ih' sao much naow thaht she looks fohwahd t' me usin ih' on hah biieg neepples, areolahs and clitohees t' knawck hah eow'. buh' enough abeow' thaht. yah must be bahck heah faw a raysawn leettle seestah." said Mike.

Livy smiled at her big brother as she took out a notebook from her knapsack.

She showed Mike a video of their middle sibling Jay Dandee aka Croc Dandee who had been locked away for years in a secret maximum security prison in Australia for his collaboration with other interational criminals in a global power scheme during the inaugural Power Games between several nations.

"i knaow ooll abeow' thiies livy. Oy hahven't bayn able t' foind hiiem. it's loike he deesappeared syme as the biieg braysted supuhhaeroine kuyngaroo womahn who saent hiiem t' jile"said Mike.

"Nawt t' wohry. Oy took me a lawng toime buh' Oy finohly hahcked the saecurity intelloigence griied. Oy found eow' wheah jie is. thyah gaowin t' be trahnsferrin hiiem t' anuhthah proisawn soon buh' thy'll be tykin a reow'e through the eow'bahck. Oy knaow the reow'e. we cahn saeh' an ambush and fray him" said Livy.

"Thees is grite news livy. ih' sound loike yah gawt a plahn t' fray ahh bruhthah" said Mike.

"roigh' yah ahh biieg bruhthah. Oy'll geh' us ooll the equeepment we nayd t' exaecute thiies plahn!!" replied Livy.



Nitmiluk National Park

Northern Territory


7 pm

After finishing up his work at the Darwin Zoo, Bobby Darwin went out on patrol through the nature reserves that surrounded the town of Katherine where he, his mother Terri and his twin sister Barbara lived.

As he entered one of the many lakes in Nitmiluk National Park, Bobby spotted a wooden jetty on which a group of six thugs lay unconscious. But what caught his attention was a beauteous brunette with a naked voluptuous and muscular creamy body, clad only by a croc mask that covered the upper part of her beauteous face, framed by her long mane of tousled brown hair, lying sprawled out on her back on the wooden jetty, also very much unconscious.

He took out his binoculars and focused on the woman to see that her naked large firm creamy breasts were very excited with rivers of white milk flowing out of the tips of her big puffy hard erect and bullet-shaped shiny pink nipples and a waterfall of thick white cum was flowing out of her big hard wet excited and camel toe-shaped shiny pink cunt between her wide open large creamy thighs.

"Crikey!! It's Barbara and she's been knocked out big time as Crocodile Girl!! I got to help her!!" said Bobby as he steered his boat closer to the jetty. After securing it, he grabbed a canteen full of water and knelt down beside his superheroine sibling. He felt his penis stiffen under his pants as he watched the Busty Croc Teen's naked large firm creamy breasts rising and falling before him while her big hard wet and excited shiny pink clitoris throbbed in the middle of her thick matted brown pubic bush between her wide open large creamy thighs.

"Looks like I'll have to be doing this for you too Barb just like I have to do for Mum" quipped Bobby, referring to the fact that their mother was the legendary superheroine of the Outback, Crocodile Woman, who was often knocked unconscious, stripped naked and left in peril by criminals in the Northern Territory.

"uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...my biieg achin tayn crocodoile neepples...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...my woide achin tayn crocodoile areolahs...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...my biieg achin tayn crocodoile clitohees...uuuuuuuuuuuuh...whaht...wheah...whao. .." moaned Crocodile Girl in pleasure as her green eyes fluttered open in the slits of her croc mask as she saw the blurry image of her twin brother kneeling beside her.

"You okay Barb. Looks like someone got you good with croc chloroform" teased Bobby.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...bawbby...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh... mum's tawld yah abeow' thiies...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh ...you gawt t' cohl us boy ahh supuhhaeroine nymes whaen yah foind us nyked and uncawnscious loike thiies...uuuuuh ...uuuuuuuh" moaned the Busty Croc Teen in pleasure.

"Oops...Sorry...I...."began Bobby until he realised that they were alone, the thugs were still unconscious and that his superheroine sibling was playing with him.

As he helped Crocodile Girl to her erotic bare creamy feet, he could not help but admire her beautiful body, similar to their mother Terri when she was Crocodile Woman.

This wasn't lost on the Busty Croc Teen as she picked up her thin tight croc bathing suit and donned it in front of her brother.

""you knaow yah shouldn't be lookin at moy bawdy loike thaht whaen Oy'm crocodoile guhl. mum's laecchuhd yah abeow' thiies whaen yah look at hah bawdy whaen she's crocodoile womahn" teased Crocodile Girl who silently liked the extra attention from her brother.

"But what happened here Crocodile Girl?" asked Bobby as he looked at the unconscious thugs on the jetty around them.

"i was eow' on pahtrawl whaen Oy found thaese crooks trahffeeckin cocine. moike dahnday was weeth thaem. Oy bayt hiiem and thaese crooks buh' befoah Oy could tie hiiem up weeth moy crawc twoine, Oy gawt ambushed boy hiies seestah. she gawt me good in moy biieg tayn crocodoile neepples weeth cahfentynil dahts and thaen puh' me t' slayp boy mykin me smaell moy tayn crocodoile cum. Oy hahd t' stie knawcked eow' faw thray hours teell yah cuyme and woke me up. thyah lawng gone naow" replied the Busty Croc Teen.

"Wow! Another Dandee! We need to tie these crooks up and call the Northern Territory Police to come get them! When we get back to the Darwin Ranch, we need to tell Mum about what happened" said Bobby and the Busty Croc Teen nodded in agreement.

Katherine Airport

Northern Territory


8 pm

April Denvers made her way through the arrival's terminal after a long trip from the United States. She had been there on a job for the last three years and was happy to be back in Australia. She was excited to see boyfriend, Steve Hewitt, who had moved to Katherine from their former hometown of Alice Springs.

She saw him waiting to meet her, dressed in the khaki uniform of the Northern Territory Police, in which he was now a captain.

They embraced and shared a long kiss as April ran to meet him and threw herself into his arms. She felt her nipples and areolas become stiff and hard under her shirt while her clitoris became very wet under her pants as their bodies rubbed against each other.

"Oh Steve, I missed you so much" said April when their lips parted. "Not as much as I missed you April Let's go to my place. We've got a lot of catching up to do" replied Steve as they walked out of the arrival's terminal towards the parking lot of the airport. He was the only person who knew that April Denvers was the famous Australian superheroine Kangaroo Woman.

"I'm very happy that your transfer here worked out" said April with a smile, proud about her boyfriend's promotion. "Thanks. It's been a lot of work but Commissioner Hayden wouldn't have given me this promotion had it not been for you helping me before you left for the US" replied Steve referring to April's heroics as Kangaroo Woman during the Power Games three years ago.

"I was glad to help Steve. Those were some exciting times that we had. I was nearly defeated by several villains including that felon Jay Dandee who to turned into that monster Croc Dandee. He was tough but I finally managed to beat him and send him to prison" replied April as they got into Steve's SUV and drove towards the city of Katherine.

"I'm sure you've followed some of the things happening here in Australia while you were away. Katherine's got its own famous superheroine called Crocodile Woman. Commissioner Hayden doesn't like her for showing off her body and running around in a tiny bra and tiny G-string but she's brought several criminals to justice and saved a lot of innocent lives, even though she's gotten knocked out very regularly" said Steve.

"Yes. I read about her. From the photos I've seen she's hot. Should I be jealous?" asked April rhetorically.

"Crocodile Woman is beautiful, strong and sexy. But she's nothing compared to my favorite kangaroo" replied Steve with a smile that made April even more aroused.

9 pm

April pushed Steve on to the bed shortly after they arrived at his house in Katherine that was located along the Katherine River that ran through the city.

"Even with all the erotic peril I face as Kangaroo Woman, nothing's better than having sex with the love of my life" teased April as she pounced on top of Steve. They rolled around in bed, stripping off their clothes, groping each other all over their bodies, kissing passionately and April allowing Steve's hard and erect penis inside of her throbbing wet and excited cunt.


..UHHH...UHHH...UHHHH...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" moaned April and Steve as they climaxed repeatedly inside of each other as they made up three years without having sex in the space of hours until they passed out and fell asleep naked in bed next to each other.

As she slept, April began to dream. She saw images of the city of Katherine...two women who appeared to be superheroines...naked, tied up and totally defeated...a big man...who was not human...another man and woman laughing.

"Ohh" gasped April as she woke up from the dream. "April? What's wrong??' asked Steve with concern.

"I had another prophetic dream Steve. It looks like I'm going to have to become Kangaroo Woman again and sooner than I thought, " she replied.

9.30 pm

In the study of her mansion at the Darwin Estate in Katherine, 40 year old Terri Darwin, the famous conservationist was doing research on her computer after her children Bobby and Barbara told her of Barbara's encounter as Crocodile Girl with the Northern Territory's most notorious criminal Mike Dandee and his sister, hours earlier in Nitmiluk National Park.

"I was wondering when Mike Dandee would appear again. My adventures with him as Crocodile Woman are always exciting and challenging. He always comes up with innovative ways to turn me on and put me to sleep as Crocodile Woman. Barbara's going to have a lot of those experiences as Crocodile Girl fighting criminals and it seems that Mike Dandee's skills run in the family" thought Terri as she read stories about Livy Dandee being expelled from Oxford because of experiments she had done at the university.

"She's clearly an intelligent woman. Teaming up with Mike Dandee makes them a real challenge for me as Crocodile Woman" thought Terri, feeling hardness in her nipples under her t-shirt and wetness in her clitoris under her shorts.

Then Terri read an article about Jay "Croc" Dandee, middle brother to Mike and Livy, who had been arrested after being defeated by another famous Australian superheroine Kangaroo Woman in the Power Games in Australia three years ago. Since then he had remained imprisoned in a maximum security prison.

The article also said Jay Dandee had been defeated and captured before by Kangaroo Woman, and in order to become a renowned mercenary, he had become a kind of crocodile monster.

Doing some more research on him, Terri realised that Croc Dandee was being transferred to another prison in a remote section of the Outback with Katherine being the closest town.

"This would be the perfect chance for the Dandees to try and free their brother. I'll have to handle this alone as Crocodile Woman!!" resolved Terri with a smile, eager to change into the Top Heavy Heroine of the Outback again and show her children how she defeated the Dandee family single-handedly.

10 pm

A Northern Territory police convoy headed along a highway through the Outback. Several squad cars guarded an armoured vehicle in the middle of the convoy that was transporting its prisoner Croc Dandee.

He had iron handcuffs on his hands and several restraints that prevented him from escaping. There were five police officers in the rear of the vehicle with him to make sure that he didn't escape. There were four cars ahead of the armoured vehicle and four behind it. All of them carrying armed police officers.

Everything was going according to plan, until a rocket flew out of the darkness, destroying the lead car and causing the other three vehicles to spin out of control and run off the highwayy. The armoured vehicles pressed on, with two police cars moving up from the rear to take lead in front of it.

"We're under attack!! We need assistance!!" said one police officer in one of the two lead cars to the other vehicles in the convoy. Just as he said that, his vehicle was hit by another rocket which sent it crashing into the vehicle next two it.

From his vantage point behind some rocks, Mike Dandee took aim again with his rocket launcher, firing another rocket.

One caused the armoured vehicle to overturn on the road and the two police vehicles at the rear of the convoy slammed into it, knocking out the police officers inside of those vehicles.

Mike exchanged looks with Livy as they looked at the wrecked police vehicles strewn across sections of the highway through the Outback.

"Whaht do yah theenk of thaht livy? is ih' oh-kai?" asked Mike with a grin.

"Only yah could pull off somethin as impawssible as thaht biieg bruhthah! laeh''s gao and fray jie" replied Livy.

Together with a crew of six thugs they had hired, Mike and Livy Dandee made their way past the wrecked police vehicles, past the injured and unconscious police officers toward the overturned armoured car in which their brother was being taken to another secret maximum security prison in the Northern Territory.

On Mike's instructions, two of the thugs used C4 explosives to open the back doors of the armoured car.

"i'll gao insoide and fray jie. kayp an eoy eow' faw the poloice moikay! boy naow, thy mie hahve found eow' thaht the cawnvoy's bayn attahcked! we nayd t' fray jie and geh' eow' of heah befoah the poloice ahroive!" said Livy.

"Yah dahndays daon't hahve t' wohry abeow' the poloice!! Oy'm heah naow and Oy'm gaowin t' defayt yah and layve yah faw the poloice t' tyke t' proisawn!!" declared Crocodile Woman as she charged towards them, her immense firm creamy breasts threatening to spill out from under her thin tight croc string bra which barely contained them, her muscular creamy arms and thick muscular creamy legs moving in tandem.

"Crocodoile womahn!! Oy'm nawt suhproised thaht yah'd shaow up!! boys tyke caeh of hah!!" sneered Mike as he ordered the six thugs to attack the Top Heavy Heroine of the Outback.

"Yah crooks naevah leahn!! yaw nao mahtch faw moy straength,stuymina and spayd of 40 sahltwottah crocodoiles!! buh' yah myde yoah choice weell hahve t' tyke whaht's comin t' yah!!" quipped Crocodile Woman, the muscles of her voluptuous creamy body accentuated as she easily dealt a flurry of punches and kicks to the six thugs, which soon had them unconscious on the hard asphalt surface of the highway.

"i'll fray jie!! yah tyke caeh of thaht crocodoile sluh'!!" said Livy

"Yah daon't hahve t' ask me twoice livy!! me and the crocodoile womahn ahh old friends!!" replied Mike as Livy went inside of the armoured car while he rushed towards the Sexy Super She Croc.

"Hellao crocodoile womahn!! Oy was wawnderin whaen Oy'd say yah aguyn!! sao Oy could geeve yah thiies praesent!!" sneered Mike as he grabbed the Top Heavy Heroine of the Outback from behind, slipping his hands under her thin tight croc string bra.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...hahnds off...my huge crocodoile braysts mr dahnday...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh stawp squeezin...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...and peenchin me in moy biieg crocodoile neepples...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh ...yaw mykin thaem...haa...haa...haa...haaaaaahd...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuh ...stahtin t' fayl deezzy...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...wayk...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh ...and slaypy...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...uuuuuuuuuuuuh...thees is nawthin new...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...uuuuuuuuuuuuuh" moaned Crocodile Woman loudly in pleasure, standing on the balls of her erotic bare creamy feet, her creamy hands grabbing Mike Dandee's wrists as she wiggled her voluptuous and muscular creamy body as she tried to break free of his increasingly strong grip and expert exploitation of her big puffy glossy pink nipples under her thin tight croc string bra.

"Thaen yah knaow thaht yaw gettin tuhned on whaen Oy plie weeth yoah biieg crocodoile neepples...the hahdah thy geh'...the slaypier yah geh'...soon Oy'll puh' yah t' slayp and cuypchuh yah aguyn!! sneered Mike, feeling his dick stiffen and become erect under his pants as he squeezed and rotated the big puffy glossy pink nipples of the Top Heavy Heroine of the Outback 360 degrees under her thin tight croc string bra, feeling the struggles of her voluptuous and muscular creamy body against his muscular frame, become slower and slower as seconds extended into minutes.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...yaes...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh ...yaw goivin moy biieg crocodoile neepples one of yoah spaecial slaypah mahssages mr dahnday...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh ...you knaow haow much Oy loike thaese...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...yaw mykin moy biieg crocodoile neepples and moy braowd crocodoile areolahs... haaa...haaa...haaaaaaaaahd...i'm gettin deezzy...gettin slaypy...yaw gaowin t' knawck me eow' aguyn...uuuuuuuuuuuuuh...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh" moaned Crocodile Woman loudly in pleasure...her eyelids heavy in the slits of the croc mask which covered the upper part of her beauteous face that was framed by her long mane of tousled blonde hair.

"ha ha...roigh' yah ahh crocodoile womahn...just relahx and laeh' yoah old pahl moike dahnday knawck yoah supah ass eow'. Oy'll tyke yah cahpteeve sao me and moy fymily cahn hahve fun weeth yah" gloated Mike, feeling his dick becoming harder and more erect as he kept squeezing and rotating the big puffy hard erect and bullet-shaped glossy pink nipples of the tired Top Heavy Heroine of the Outback under her thin tight croc string bra as she wiggled helplessly in his strong grip.

But as his words sunk into her increasingly tired brain and erotic thoughts about him filled her head, Crocodile Woman remembered that if she didn't stop her arch enemy and his sister, they would free their brother Croc Dandee.

Flexing her voluptuous and muscular creamy body, Crocodile Woman broke free of Mike's grip and hurled him over her right broad creamy shoulder. Mike landed on his back on the asphalt surface of the highway, stunned by the impact.

The Sexy Super She Croc felt her big puffy hard erect and bullet-shaped glossy pink nipples stiffen again under her thin tight croc string bra, alerting her to new danger as Livy Dandee emerged from the overturned armoured car and tried to jump her from behind.

"Yaw nawt gaowin t' suhproise me loike yah suhproised moy youngah pahtnah crocodoile guhl! thiies one is faw hah!" quipped Crocodile Woman as she evaded Livy's lunge and then drove the ball of her left erotic bare creamy foot into Livy's jaw as she turned around to attack her again.

"UUUUH" groaned Livy as she went sprawling along the asphalt surface of the highway, ending up a few feet away from her older brother Mike who was still dazed from the Sexy Super She Croc's throw.

Turning to face Mike and Livy Dandee as they lay dazed and disoriented on the ground, Crocodile Woman assumed her heroic pose before them, believing the battle to be over and that she had emerged victorious.

"it's ovah faw yah and yoah seestah mr dahnday. yah should hahve tawld hah thaht nao mahttah haow many toimes yah knawck me eow', Oy oolwhys wiien. boy naow, the nohthah taerritoray poloice weell knaow whaht's gaowin on and thy'll be saendin ruynfoahssements. Oy'll tie yah up weeth some crawc twoine frawm the roigh' strahp of moy crawc string and be on moy why" quipped Crocodile Woman.

But as was a regular feature of her superheroine adventures, the Top Heavy Heroine of the Outback allowed her overconfidence to make her complacent. She had forgotten all about Croc Dandee who was inside of the overturned armoured car and that Livy Dandee had managed to undo the majority of his restraints before going to help Mike after he failed to subdue her.

Seeing his siblings in danger, Croc Dandee became enraged and snapped free of his remaining restraints. Coming up behind her with a speed which was greater than her speed of 40 saltwater crocodiles, Croc Dandee grabbed the Sexy Super She Croc from behind grabbing her immense firm creamy breasts in a powerful bear hug and lifting her off the asphalt surface of the highway.

"uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunh...bein grahbbed frawm behoind...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunh...by crawc dahnday... uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunh...i fohgawt abeow' hiiem...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunh...hees bawdy hahs scuyles loike a sahltwottah crocodoile...rubbin aguynst moy biieg crocodoile neepples...rubbin aguynst moy woide crocodoile areolahs...undah moy crawc string bra...thyah becomin...haaa...haaa...haaaa...haaaa ...haaaaaaaaaaaaahd...impawssible t' bryke hiies grip...even weeth moy straength of 40 sahltwottah crocodoiles...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...the moah Oy struggle...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...the deezzier...waykah...and slaypier...i geh'...uuuuuuuuuuh...cahn't geh' fray...uuuuuuuuuh...dawn't wahnt t'...uuuuuuuuuh...uuuh...uuuuh...uuuuuuuuuuh" moaned Crocodile Woman loudly in pleasure, her muscular creamy arms and thick muscular creamy legs flailing in the air as she writhed frantically and in futility in the powerful grips of Croc Dandee.

Recovering from their blows, Mike and Livy Dandee got to their feet. They were aroused to see Crocodile Woman struggling helplessly in the grips of their brother's muscular scaly arms, getting weaker, sexier and sleepier the more she struggled.

"uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...you've myde moy biieg crocodoile neepples...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...my woide crocodoile areolahs...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...haaaaa ...haaa...haaaaaaaaaaaaaaahd...in laess thahn two saecawnds...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...even crawc chlorofohm...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...cahn't do thaht t' thaem...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...my straength...stuymina...spayd...of 40 sahltwottah crocodoiles...gone...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...sao deezzy...sao wayk...sao slaypy...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...cahn't theenk...cahn't move...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...uuuuuuuuuuh" moaned Crocodile Woman in pleasure, her green eyes barely open in the slits of her croc mask across the upper part of her beauteous face framed by her long mane of tousled blonde hair, her muscular creamy arms dangling limp on either side of her shapely upper body, her thick muscular creamy legs dangling limp below her thick shapely waist, the sexy toes of her erotic bare creamy feet with short, glossy toenails pointing down to the asphalt surface of the highway, straining to stay close together and curled with tension.

"Good jawb jie! tyke off hah crawc bra and squeeze hah huge braysts until she lahctuytes! yoah scuyles weell kayp hah biieg neeppples and areolahs hahd and tuhned on! ih''ll tyke moah of the foigh' eow' of hah!" said Mike to his younger brother.

"whuytevah yah sie moike! Oy've meessed plyyin weeth women weeth huge boobs! sao thiies is the supah beetch cohled crocodoile womahn thaht Oy've heahd of??...the one yah who yah kayp knawckin eow' buh' she steell bayts yah? she daon't saym sao tuff t' me!" sneered Croc Dandee as he squeezed the immense firm creamy breasts of the tired Top Heavy Heroine of the Outback with his huge scaly hands, causing her thin tight croc string bra to slide off and fall to the asphalt surface of the highway, allowing him to play freely with her naked immense firm creamy breasts.

"uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...thaht's because...uuuuuuuuuuuuh you dahndays daon't foigh' faeh...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh ...mr dahnday oolwhys foinds claevah whys t' drug me in moy huge crocodoile braysts and in moy biieg crocodoile clitohees t' myke me slaypy and knawck me eow'...buh' he oolwhys mykes meestykes t' haelp me wiien...uuuuuuuh ...i weell foind a why t' bring yah dahndays t' justoice...uuuuuuuuuh...uuuuuuuuuuuuh" moaned Crocodile Woman loudly in pleasure as she hung limp in the strong grips of Croc Dandee as he held her by her naked immense firm creamy breasts, playing with her big puffy hard erect and bullet-shaped glossy pink nipples with his scaly thumbs.

"Yah weah roigh' moikay! she's gawt beeggah braysts thahn crocodoile guhl!! buh' she tohks sao much espaecially whaen she's hawt and hohny!!i knaow whaht weell shuh' hah up!!" sneered Livy Dandee as she stepped forward, untied Crocodile Woman's tiny tight croc string, yanked it off and poured a liquid from a dark brown bottle with a crocodile insignia on it, on to her thick matted blonde pubic bush between her immense creamy thighs.

"uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...nao. ..uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh'...gettin crawc chlorofohmed...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh ...in moy biieg crocodoile clitohees...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh gettin sao deezzy...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...gettin sao slaypy...i...i...cahn't...geh'...fray...uuuuuuuuuuuuh ...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh" moaned Crocodile Woman loudly in pleasure, staring with sleepy green eyes in the slits of her croc mask which stretched across the upper part of her beauteous face framed by her long mane of tousled blonde hair...at Livy Dandee as she poured her favorite anesthetic into her thick matted blonde pubic hair, thoroughly soaking it and her big hard wet and excited glossy pink clitoris while Croc Dandee held her by her naked immense firm creamy breasts with his coarse scaly hands and continued to grope them to keep her dizzy, weak and sleepy.

"good jawb livy! kayp hawldin hah and squeezin hah huge braysts jie! Oy'm gaowin t' geeve moy good friend crocodoile womahn the thing she's bayn witein faw!" sneered Mike Dandee as he stepped forward and started to vigorously in her big hard wet excited glossy pink clitoris in the middle of her thick soaked matted blonde pubic bush, rubbing croc chloroform vigorously into it while Croc Dandee held her by her naked immense firm creamy breasts with his coarse scaly hands, simultaneously pinching her in her big puffy hard erect and bullet-shaped glossy pink nipples, which were profusely leaking rivers of white milk out of their hardened tips as she freely lactated.

"uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...yaes mr dahnday...uuuuuuuuuuh ...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...rub the crawc chlorofohm intao moy biieg haaaaahd waeh' crocodoile clitohees...hhhhhhh...hhhhh...hawt...hhhh...hhhh... hohny...hhhh...hhhhh...hhhh...haelpless...you and yoah fymily hahve gawt me good...gaowin t'...uuh...hahve t'...uuuh...gawt t'...uuh...uuuh...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh" moaned Crocodile Woman loudly in pleasure as her arch enemy Mike Dandee brought her to a gigantic orgasm, a waterfall of thick white cum being discharged out of her big hard wet excited and camel toe-shaped glossy pink cunt on to the asphalt surface of the highway as she hung dazed, disoriented and defeated in the strong grips of his brother Croc Dandee.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...my biieg crocodoile neepples... uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...my woide crocodoile areolahs...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...are sao. ..haa...haa... haaaaaaaaaaaahd...my biieg crocodoile clitohees...is sao. ..haaa...haaa...haaaaaaaaaaaaahd...waeh'...exsoited ...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...hawt...uuuuuuuuuuuuh...hohny ...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...haelpless...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuh ..whaht...uuuuuuuuuuuh...are yah gaowin t' do weeth me ...mr dahnday...uuuuuuuuuuuuh...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh" moaned Crocodile Woman loudly in pleasure as she dangled helplessly in the grips of Croc Dandee as he held her in front of his siblings Mike and Livy Dandee.

"Waell the plahn was t' fray moy bruhthah, escuype intao the eow'bahck and thaen plahn some croimes thaht weell myke us reech and geeve us a chahnce t' cuypchuh yah and knawck eow' ovah and ovah aguyn...buh' yah syved us the trouble of thaht...weah gaowin t' tyke yah weeth us and plie weeth yoah bawdy whoile yaw ahh preesonah!" gloated Mike.

But before the Dandees could flee with the tamed and tired Top Heavy Heroine of the Outback, they got a surprise when a voluptuous and muscular woman with golden tanned skin, clad in a thin tight red furry v-slit leotard...and a red furry mask covering the upper part of her face, framed by her long mane of blonde hair came leaping through the air, planting the balls of her erotic bare golden tanned feet into the face of Croc Dandee.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH" groaned Croc Dandee as he fell to the hard asphalt surface of the highway with a hefty thud, releasing dazed and disoriented Crocodile Woman who was caught by the new busty masked woman and lowered gently on to her back on to the highway.

Mike and Livy were surprised by the appearance of this new busty superheroine, who had a body that was almost as sexy as Crocodile Woman's. But this superheroine was no surprise to Croc Dandee as he staggered to his feet and glared at her as he stood with his siblings.

Just as he primed himself to attack Kangaroo Woman and Mike was aroused and eager to capture Crocodile Woman, Livy Dandee realised that the tide had turned against them.

"Nao! ! we nayd t' geh' eow' of heah!! the poloice weell be heah soon and we deedn't praepaeh faw two busty supah beetches!! we'll geh' thaem naext toime!!" said Livy as she took out a smoke grenade and threw it on to the highway, in the space that separated the Dandees from the two busty superheroines.

Though she wanted to go after the fleeing Dandees, Kangaroo Woman knew that the police would be there soon. Finding out from her boyfriend police captain Steve Hewitt that the Northern Territory Police saw Crocodile Woman as a kind of vigilante, the Busty Marsupial Heroine knew she had to get the Top Heavy Heroine of the Outback to a safe place where she could recover.

Picking up the weak and sleepy Sexy Super She Croc in her muscular golden tanned arms, after retrieving her thin croc string bra and croc string, Kangaroo Woman hopped swiftly towards a tributary of the nearby Katherine River, where Steve was waiting for her in a speedboat.

Her head reeling from the effects of the croc chloroform...the hardness and erectness of her big puffy glossy pink nipples and wide glossy pink areolas...the hardness, wetness and excitement of her big glossy pink clitoris...multiple gigantic orgasms and continuous lactation...Crocodile Woman stared with sleepy green eyes in the slits of the croc mask which covered the upper part of her beauteous face...framed by her long mane of tousled blonde hair...at the busty blonde superheroine in the thin tight red fur leotard who had saved her from the Dandees.

"uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...whao. ..uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh ...whao ahh yah...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh ...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh" moaned Crocodile Woman in pleasure.

"I'm a friend. Don't worry Crocodile Woman. I'm going to take you to a safe place" replied Kangaroo Woman with a smile on her glossy red lips as she hopped into the speedboat.

As soon as they were on board, Steve gunned the engine, steering the boat down the river and back towards the town of Katherine.

"uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...i...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh ...dawn't...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...hahve a choice...my biieg crocodoile neepples...my woide crocodoile areolahs...are sao. ..haaaaaaaaaaaahd...lahctuytin...my biieg crocodoile clitohees...is sao. ..haaaaaaahd...waeh'...exsoited...moike dahnday...myde me awe-gahsm saeverul toimes...sao deezzy...sao wayk...sao slaypy...gawt t' become...uncawnscious...fah thray hours...we'll tohk whaen Oy wyke up...noigh' noigh'... uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh" moaned Crocodile Woman in pleasure, her green eyes closing in the slits of her croc mask, her naked voluptuous and muscular creamy body going limp in Kangaroo Woman's muscular golden tanned arms, her muscular creamy arms dangling limp in the air, wide spaces between the sexy toes of her erotic bare creamy feet with short, glossy toenails as they pointed down to the deck of the speedboat as she succumbed to unconsciousness.

To be continued

Sat Dec 09, 2023 3:06 pm
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