Joined: Thu May 21, 2009 5:13 pm Posts: 1804
 Lady Tiger-Pawns of the Porn Queen 2
Lady Tiger- Pawns of the Porn Queen 2
48 hours later Bangkok, Thailand 6 pm
Wearing only a pair of tiny white silk panties...her big rimmed glasses on her face...and the shiny bronze bracelet on her right wrist...which allowed her to transform into Lady Tiger...the Sexy Superwoman of Thailand...20 year old Bangkok Post journalist Lisa Chen...sat on her sofa in the living room of her apartment in the Raintree Village Apartment Complex...in front of her laptop deep in thought.
Her slender pale white body...with small flabby breasts with narrow light brown areolas...small light brown nipples...a thin dull black pubic bush and small light brown clitoris under her flimsy underwear...her hair dull black and short...Lisa did not look anything like her sexy super-powered alter-ego...who attracted the attention of men...women and children in Thailand and other countries in Southeast Asia.
On the screen of her laptop was the webpage of the Bangkok Post and the calendar of events for Bangkok Pride...one of the biggest celebrations of lesbian...gay...bisexual...transgender...and queer...LBGTQ in Thailand and Southeast Asia
The week-long event was jam-packed with festivals, parties, parades, concerts, and other activities. Bangkok Pride attracted thousands of local and foreign visitors to Thailand every year.
But Lisa was not concerned about this.
"I just do not understand what happened to me two days ago. I was investigating a lead I had as Lady Tiger into drug trafficking in the LGBTQ areas in Bangkok. My sources told me a new drug is being trafficked along with the usual merchandise and it is being bought widely by LGBTQ people in Bangkok. But somehow, I ended up naked and tied up at the Bangkok Zero Waste Park...with no memory of what happened. Someone must have knocked me unconscious. The criminal underworld in Thailand is no doubt aware of my big weakness to sex in my giant Tiger Breasts and in my huge Tiger Clitoris. But who knocked me out and why?" wondered Lisa aloud.
She checked her work email and saw she received information from one of her sources about a location in an LGBTQ district in Bangkok where drug trafficking was believed to be taking place.
Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of her front door bell.
"Who could that be? I was not expecting anyone" said Lisa as she donned a shirt lying on a chair...and walked barefoot to the door.
As she opened the door...Lisa felt immediate hardness in her areolas and nipples...hardness...wetness and excitement in her clitoris...her brown eyes wide open in surprise and joy...as 24 year old Chinese actor Wang Soong stood before her...dressed in travel clothes...a backpack on his back...and holding a suitcase in his right hand.
Lisa had met Wang in her last superheroine adventure...when he was kidnapped during the filming of a movie in Pattaya City...which was being used by the Viper Syndicate of Myanmar...to kidnap people from Thailand as part of its human trafficking operations.
Wang discovered her real identity after she was drugged...captured and depowered by the ruthless and ingenious leader of the Viper Syndicate.
The handsome Chinese actor helped her regain her confidence...regain her super powers to become Lady Tiger...defeat Mr. Jimmy and the Viper Syndicate and free the captives of the syndicate's human trafficking operations.
For the first time...Lisa found someone who loved her as herself and as Lady Tiger...and was not infatuated or overawed by her in her sexy, super-powered alter-ego.
"Hello Lisa" said Wang with a smile...that made the 20 year old female journalist feel more aroused...as she stood before him...eying his lean muscular body that was framed against his clothes.
"Wang?...What are you doing here?" asked Lisa...as she tried to maintain her composure.
"Well...I promised you I would be back. I have some acting jobs lined up here in Thailand for the next month or so. I am sorry I did not call you first...but I wanted to..." began Wang.
He was interrupted...when Lisa...unable to suppress her erotic urges any longer...pulled him inside of her apartment...shut the front door behind him...jumped on to him...and began to kiss him passionately on the lips.
Wang completely forgot the speech he had rehearsed for when he saw Lisa...giving in to the moment...allowing her to take off his clothes...while he did the same with hers...their bodies a mass of writhing arms and legs as they staggered into the bedroom in the apartment...landing on the bed.
"Mmmmmmmmmmmm...mmmmmmmmmmmmm...mmmmmmmmmmmmm"...moaned Lisa as she kissed Wang...felt his lean muscular brown body...rubbing against her slender pale white body...her small flabby breasts...rubbing against his smooth flat chest...feeling his big penis rubbing against her small light brown clitoris.
Her plans as Lady Tiger...to find the drug traffickers in the LGBTQ areas in Thailand....forgotten for the moment...as she gave into great pleasure that Wang was giving her.
"Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm" moaned Lisa and Wang dreamily...as they collectively orgasmed...and fell asleep shortly afterwards.
Wang Soong stirred from sleep as he felt Lisa Chen kiss him tenderly on the lips.
"Lisa?...What?" asked Wang groggily as he saw her sitting beside him in her bed...totally naked...except for her shiny bronze bracelet on her right wrist...which gleamed in the darkness of her bedroom in her apartment in the Raintree Apartment Complex in Bangkok.
"I have to go out for a while Wang....as Lady Tiger" said Lisa as she kissed him on his lips before getting out of bed.
"Now??" asked Wang...a little surprised...even though he knew his girlfriend was the Sexy Superwoman of Thailand.
"I am investigating a story about drug trafficking in the LGBTQ districts in Bangkok. I have a lead to follow up in the Songkran district...there is a warehouse near the Skyview Hotel...were some new drug is being stored before it is sold to the queers" replied Lisa with a smile as she focused on her shiny bronze bracelet...causing a shiny bronze aura to form around her body...as she initiated her transformation into Lady Tiger...with Chinese actor Wang Soong...her audience.
He watched as Lisa grew within the shiny bronze aura from 5'4 to 10 ft tall...her slender body becoming voluptuous and muscular...her skin turning from pale white to shiny bronze...her narrow light brown areolas becoming glossy dark brown...with intricate tiger tattoos appearing in their flesh...her small light brown nipples becoming huge...puffy and glossy dark brown...her small flabby breasts becoming giant and firm...a thick matted glossy black pubic jungle appearing between her giant firm shiny bronze thighs...a huge glossy dark brown clitoris in the middle of it...tiny tight tiger pelt pasties barely covering the sexy summits of her giant firm shiny bronze breasts...a tiny tight tiger thong barely covering the space between her giant firm shiny bronze thighs...and slipping into the crack between the cheeks of her giant firm shiny bronze ass...her hands strong and shiny bronze with slender fingers with glossy clawlike fingernails...her bare feet were large erotic and shiny bronze with sexy toes with glossy clawlike toenails...her hair becoming long and glossy black with a long tight braid behind her head...falling to the middle of her muscular shiny bronze back...a tiny tight tiger pelt mask stretching across the upper part of her beauteous face...to complete her transformation into Lady Tiger...the Sexy Superwoman of Thailand.
"I will see you later for breakfast Wang. Go back to sleep. I will be fine" said Lady Tiger with a smile on her glossy dark brown lips as she kissed Wang on his lips before turning on the balls of her large erotic bare shiny bronze feet...and exiting the apartment unseen through the bedroom window.
"Now I cannot sleep. Be careful Tiger" said Wang...his large penis hard and erect under the covers...in awe of his sexy superheroine girlfriend...knowing she was heading off into another adventure and danger...and it was something he had to get used to.
1 am
The muscles of her voluptuous shiny bronze body accentuated...her giant firm shiny bronze breasts swaying freely...her muscular shiny bronze arms and thick muscular shiny bronze legs moving in tandem...her shiny bronze hands clenched into fists...the sexy toes of her large erotic bare shiny bronze feet...with glossy clawlike toenails curled with tension...Lady Tiger traversed the rooftops of buildings in the Songkran district of Bangkok...where even at this early hour of the morning...activities associated with the Bangkok Pride festival were continuing on the streets below.
The Big Breasted Thai Superwoman alighted on her large erotic bare shiny bronze feet to the rooftop of a building across the street from the towering glass and steel structure that was the Skyview Hotel.
She assumed her heroic pose...her shiny bronze hands balled into fists...resting on either side of her thick curvy waist...her large erotic bare shiny bronze feet flat on the concrete surface of the rooftop...her thick muscular shiny bronze legs slightly apart...her giant firm shiny bronze breasts pushed forward...her dark brown eyes looking through the slits of the tiny tight tiger pelt mask which stretched across the upper part of her beauteous face...at the G Circuit Party that was in full swing in Songkran.
The Big Breasted Thai Superwoman looked at the thousands of transmen and transwomen...in rainbow colored clothing engaging in playful water fights on the streets surrounding the hotel...in the middle of a parade of floats...while a huge gay pool party was taking place on the rooftop of the hotel...with no presence of the Royal Thai Police anywhere to be seen.
"Thailand is a country that respects the rights of all people...and as its Sexy Superwoman...I have a duty to protect them all...even these queers...even though I do not agree with their lifestyle. The lack of a police presence provides the perfect opportunity for whoever is trafficking drugs to the queers to act freely. I must find them and bring them to justice!" resolved Lady Tiger.
The Big Breasted Thai Superwoman felt her huge puffy nipples stiffen sharply under her tiny tight tiger pelt pasties...which barely covered the sexy summits of her giant firm shiny bronze breasts...alerting her to the presence of evil...and the location of her quarry.
Her giant firm shiny bronze breasts swaying freely...the muscles of her voluptuous and muscular shiny bronze body accentuated...Lady Tiger...leapt and sprinted over the rooftops of buildings...completely unknown to the thousands of transwomen and transmen who were celebrating in the Skyview Hotel and on the streets in and around it.
Following the sensations in her huge puffy nipples under her tiny tight tiger pelt pasties which barely covered the sexy summits of of her giant firm shiny bronze breasts...the Sexy Superwoman of Thailand...descended into an alley behind the hotel...close to the festivities...landing on the balls of her large erotic bare shiny bronze feet on the concrete ground...in front of an old warehouse
She boldly sauntered inside...to discover a group of 30 transmen and 10 transwomen who were busy packing clear plastic bags...filled with a white powder into water guns...that were being given to partygoers in the G Circuit...and collecting money from the drugs they had already sold.
They froze when they spotted Lady Tiger who assumed her heroic pose in front of them...in the middle of the warehouse..
Her shiny bronze hands balled into fists...her large erotic bare shiny bronze feet resting flat on the cold concrete floor of the warehouse...her thick muscular shiny bronze legs slightly apart...her giant firm shiny bronze breasts pushed forward with confidence...as she announced her presence to them.
"Yaaas queen!! It’s the Fierce Tigress!! Thailand’s curvy wonder babe!!" gasped a transman.
"Girl, how did she snatch our tea?? She’s all up in our hustle!! The Drag Empress is gonna throw a shade storm over this!!" cried a transwoman...as the LGBTQ criminals...looked at each other...and then with obvious jealousy at the 10 ft Top Heavy Thai Heroine's voluptuous and muscular shiny bronze body...especially her giant firm shiny bronze breasts...clad barely by tiny tight tiger pelt pasties on their sexy summits...and a tiny tight tiger thong which barely covered the space between her giant firm shiny bronze thighs...and slipped into the crack between the cheeks of her giant firm shiny bronze ass.
"You queers can continue this debate later in prison...but to put it in language that you can understand...Honey, I’m giving all you fabulous queers one last chance to spill the tea and sashay away peacefully. You can't handle my fierce strength, stamina, and speed like a pack of tigers on a runway. Now, spill the deets on your little shady side hustle and where to find your reigning diva, the Porn Queen... or I’ll snatch you all up and serve some justice, darling!! declared Lady Tiger.
Aroused and angered by the words of the Big Breasted Thai Superwoman...the 30 transmen and 10 transwomen...pulled out pink knives and pink pistols...their arms and legs flailing in confusion...as they attacked her.
They were no match for Lady Tiger...her giant firm shiny bronze breasts swaying sexily...to the envy of the transmen and transwomen...the muscles of her 10ft voluptuous shiny bronze body....as she broke out of her heroic pose...with the strength...stamina...and speed of 50 tigers...effortlessly evading their uncoordinated knife lunges...and sporadic pistol shots...which all missed...countering with a sequence of punches and kicks...with sent the 30 transmen and transwomen...hurtling through the air...and rolling along the floor inside of the old warehouse...knocking over several crates...while the water games and float parade through the streets of the Songkran district...and pool party atop the Skyview Hotel... continued oblivious to the real action taking place in the old warehouse...in a side street...out of sight of the thousands of local and foreign partygoers in Thailand for all of the events associated with Bangkok Pride.
"Honey, y'all fabulous fiends should've served up your white flags and played nice when you had the chance! No shady queen in Thailand...homo or hetero...can handle my raw power, fierce stamina, and speed like a tiger on fire! Now I'm about to spill the tea on what you queens are cooking up in this warehouse instead of slaying it at the G Circuit Party!" declared Lady Tiger in ...as she resumed her heroic pose...her shiny bronze hands balled into fists...resting on either side of her thick curvy waist...her large erotic bare shiny bronze feet flat on the concrete surface of the rooftop...her thick muscular shiny bronze legs slightly apart...her giant firm shiny bronze breasts pushed forward...her dark brown eyes looking through the slits of the tiny tight tiger pelt mask which stretched across the upper part of her beauteous face....confident the battle was over and she was victorious.
But from the shadows in the warehouse...a 50 year old lesbian...with fake red hair...and a stocky body with silicone enhanced breasts...wearing big silver glitter glasses on her pudgy face...and armed with a water rifle...emerged to prove to the Big Breasted Thai Superwoman how wrong she was.
"Oh honey, you really think you can strut in here and play with the Queen Bees' scene?? You’re flexing with those muscle gains and that roaring 'tude! You called for me, and darling, here I slay! I’m the reigning Porn Queen, and I’m about to school you on how to snag that fierce, fabulous, big-busted Lady Tiger, babe!!" snarled the Porn Queen as she took aim with her water rifle and pulled the trigger.
"Water??!!...You think water is going to stop me??...Let me rephrase that... Honey, you must be a total rookie diva if you think dousing my fabulous Tiger Tatas is gonna bring me down!! I ain't here for any G Circuit drama!! No more games, Queen of the Flesh...I'm about to...to...to...Hold up...this ain't just water...My colossal Tiger Nips didn’t even tingle at the danger...UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH...WHATEVER THIS JUICE IS...I'VE LET IT WASH OVER MY GORGEOUS TIGER TITS...SOAKING THROUGH MY CUTE TIGER PASTIES...MY WIDE TIGER AREOLAS...AND MY JAW-DROPPING TIGER NIPPLES...THEY'RE STARTING TO FEEL...HAAAH....HAAAH...HAAAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARD...UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH...I'M GETTING ALL WOBBLY...I'M LOSING MY FIERCENESS...STAMINA...AND FIERCE SPEED OF 50 TIGERS...UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH...I'M SO OVER IT...CAN'T THINK...CAN'T MOVE...UUUUUUUUUUUUUUH...UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH" moaned Lady Tiger in pleasure...maintaining her heroic pose...before the Porn Queen...her eyelids fluttering...her dark brown eyes becoming dull and hazy in the slits of the tiny tight tiger pelt mask which stretched across the upper part of her beauteous face...as Porn Queen doused her giant firm shiny bronze breasts with the liquid filled in her water rifle.
"You betta werk, Lady Tiger Queen! Hunty, I found the magical elixir you’ve been thirstin’ for! It’s all about that Tiger Balm honey! Made from your fabulous essence... your sweet nectar... Ylang Ylang Oil... the fiercest love potion in Thailand... and a lil' dash of industrial-strength chloroform for drama! The Viper Syndicate cooked this up after you snatched their shady biz in Myanmar! My squad, the Queeners, discovered a hot market with the local fabulously fierce in Thailand! It’ll have them flyin’ high... but darling, it’s gonna elevate you to superstar levels and lay your dazzling Tiger ass out flat every time it’s applied!" gloated the Porn Queen as she sprayed more of the clear liquid Tiger Balm all over the giant firm shiny bronze breasts of the Sexy Superwoman of Thailand who could do nothing to stop her.
"OHHHHH HONEY... YAAAASSSS... OOOH BABY... DIED AND WENT TO GLAM HEAVEN WITH THIS MESS... DID NOT SEE THIS HAUTE QUEER TRAP COMING, FIERCE VILLAINESS OUT HERE WORKING IT... WHO KNEW THE VIPER SYNDICATE WOULD SLAY ME SO HARD... CREATING A CUSTOM SPICE JUST FOR ME... OH MY GAWD, MY JUICY TIGER BOOBIES ARE WEIGHING DOWN MY HEART... THAT LIQUID TIGER BALM IS WORKING WONDERS, SLIPPING UNDER MY TIGHT TIGER TANKS... THOSE FULL ON TIGER AREOLAS... AND DIVA-TASTIC TIGER NIPPLES... MY TIGER POWERHOUSE IS GETTING SO... HAAAAH... HAAAAH... HAAAARD... TRULY OBSESSED WITH IT... OOOH GURL, I’M SPINNING... YAS QUEEN, SO WEAK... ABOUT TO PASS OUT WITH ALL THIS GLAM... YAAAAS, SO TIREDDD... OHHHHH HONEY!" moaned Lady Tiger loudly in gay pleasure...rising on the balls of her large erotic shiny bronze bare feet....her shiny bronze hands balled into fists on either side of her thick curvy waist...her head swaying from side to side...her eyelids fluttering...her dark brown eyes becoming dull and hazy in the slits of the tiny tight tiger pelt mask...which stretched across the upper part of her beauteous face...as she stood helpless in the middle of the warehouse...allowing Porn Queen to bathe her in her giant firm shiny bronze breasts with liquid Tiger Balm from her water rifle.
While the queer villainess was doing this...she noticed 6 of her Queeners...four transwomen and two transmen...who had recovered from the earlier beating they received from Lady Tiger...and were looking on from the sidelines...with a mix of awe...arousal...and reluctance.
"Don't just stand there, you fabulous queens!! You heard the diva Tiger Bitch! She's craving that Tiger Balm! Snatch those water guns and spray it on her! They're packed with liquid Tiger Balm, honey!! You want a fierce party, Lady Tiger! We'll throw you a fabulous one!!
Responding to their boss' orders...the six Queeners each grabbed a water rifle...and joined Porn Queen in bathing the Big Breasted Thai Superwoman's 10 ft frame...from her head...down to the sexy toes of her large erotic bare shiny bronze feet...with glossy clawlike toenails...with powerful streams of liquid Tiger Balm.
OHHHHH HONEY...NOOOO...Y’ALL SASSY QUEENS...GIVING ME A HONEY BUTTER GLOW UP...OHHH YES...LIQUID HONEY...ALL OVER MY SASSY BOOTY...MAKING MY FAB TIGER TITS...SO HEAVY...SLIPPERY...MY TINY NIPPLE COVERS CAN’T STAY PUT...OHHH HONEY...GETTIN’ LIQUID LOVE...RIGHT ON MY DIVA HAAAAAHAAAARD NIPPLES...ON MY BIG HAAHAHARD AREOLAS...THOSE INTRICATE TATS ON MY GLAMOROUS CHEST...HAVE ME FEELIN’ SO DREAMY...THEY'RE GONNA MAKE ME SNOOZE...MY THONG IN A THICK COAT OF LIQUID SASS...MY TIDY HONEYPOT...DRIPPIN’ WITH EXCITE...MY PINK PRINCESS...HAAAH,...SO HAAHAARD...AND SO WET...AND...SO PUMPED...OHHHHH...YOU QUEERS KNOW HOW TO WORK IT WITH A KWEEN LIKE ME...RADICAL RESPECT FOR THAT...I WANNA...OHH...I GOTTA...OHH...Y’ALL GON' MAKE ME...OHH...OHHH...OHHHHH" moaned Lady Tiger loudly in gay pleasure...as she suffered a gigantic orgasm...and powerfully lactated causing her to collapse to the cold concrete floor of the warehouse...on her back...in a pool of clear liquid Tiger Balm....her muscular shiny bronze arms limp past her head...her tiny tight tiger pelt pasties sliding off the sexy summits of her wet and slick giant firm shiny bronze breasts...capped at their sexy summits by broad hard glossy dark brown areolas with intricate tiger tattoos embedded in them...huge puffy glossy dark brown nipples....which had streams of white milk flowing out of their hardened tips...her thick muscular shiny bronze legs wide open below her thick curvy waist...her tiny tight tiger thong...which barely covered the space between her giant firm shiny bronze thighs...and slipped into the crack between the cheeks of her giant firm shiny bronze ass...completely soaked by the potent aphrodisiac/anesthetic which she knew she had absolutely no ability to resist...her erotic large shiny bronze bare feet resting on the wet cold concrete floor of the warehouse...on their smooth heels...her sexy toes with glossy clawlike toenails...barely able to stay close together and curled with tension...as the Porn Queen and 6 of her Queeners looked down at her with smug grins on their faces.
"Yaaas, hunty! You’re a fierce Lady Tiger Queen! All that Tiger Balm on those colossal tatas and the most sensational clit in Thailand, and you’re still serving looks! Give her a little rubdown and let the Sexy Superwoman of Thailand catch some z's, my regal diva!!" said Porn Queen to the four transwomen and the two transmen...surprised the Big Breasted Thai Superwoman was still conscious.
"UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH....HAVE TO TALK STRAIGHT NOW...UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH ...BUT YOU QUEERS ARE MAKING ME SPEAK YOUR LANGUAGE... I WAS NOT EXPECTING YOU QUEER CRIMINALS TO BE A PROBLEM FOR ME...THE SEXY SUPERWOMAN OF THAILAND...MY BIAS MADE ME UNDERESTIMATE YOU...UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH ...UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH ....RUBBING TIGER BALM, HONEY...UUUUUUUUUUUUU...ALL OVER MY DELICIOUS BODY...UUUUUUUUUUUUUH...GIVING SOME EXTRA LOVE...UUUUUUUUUUUUH...TO MY FABULOUS TIGER BOOBS...MORE GLORIOUS TIGER BALM...SUNKISSED INTO MY PEACHY TIGER NIPS...MAKING THEM SUPER...HAAH...HAAH...HAAAHHHHHH...YAS QUEEN....WORK THAT TIGER BALM...INTO...MY INTRIGUING TIGER INKS...ON MY WIDE...FIERCE...HAAAHAAAAARD...TIGER NIPS...YOU’RE SO GOOD AT MAKING MY TIGERS CALM...POWER...WOOF...SPEED...LIKE 50 TIGERS...ALL GONE...UUUUUUUUUUUH...I CAN'T LET DOWN MY MILK...UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU...RUBBING MORE TIGER BALM...INTO MY LUSCIOUS TIGER JUNGLE...UUUUUUUUUUUUH...ONTO MY BIG BOLD...HAAH...HAAH...HAAAAAHHHH...TIGER CLIT...I...I CAN’T CLIMAX...HHHH...HHHH...HHHHH...SO STEAMY...HHHH...HHHH...THIRSTY...HHHH...HHHH...HHH...FEELING HELPLESS...SOMEONE’S CAUGHT ME IN YOUR STUNNING WEB, QUEEN...YASSS...CAN’T ESCAPE YOUR QUEER VIBES RIGHT NOW...WHAT’S THE PLAN FOR ME??...HHHHHH...HHHHHH...HHHHHHH" moaned Lady Tiger loudly in straight and gay pleasure as two transmen rubbed liquid Tiger Balm all over her naked giant firm shiny bronze breasts...paying special attention to their sexy summits...rubbing the liquid into the intricate tiger tattoos embedded in her broad hard glossy dark brown areolas...until they became plain...and into her huge puffy glossy dark brown nipples making them hard...erect and bullet-shaped...their tips plugged...so she could not lactate...while the four transwomen...rubbed liquid tiger balm into the thick matted glossy black pubic jungle between her wide open giant firm shiny bronze thighs...and her huge hard wet and excited glossy dark brown clitoris...causing it to seal...trapping oceans of thick white cum inside of her giant hard wet and excited glossy dark brown cunt...unable to release it through a sequence of gigantic orgasms.
"You think I'm just weird queer dabbling in drug trafficking for fun big breasted Thai super bitch! No! I have been watching your big breasted all woman heroine ass for a long time! You think you are the sexiest woman in all of Thailand...with your giant breasts...giant ass...huge clit and super powers. When I bought the Tiger Balm from the Viper Syndicate to sell as a new product to the queers in Thailand...I was told how this drug will always knock up your big breasted super ass...I knew I had to try it out!...Honey, I'm 'bout to strut my stuff and serve all of Thailand a delicious slice of how we takedown that big-tit super vixen! Ain't nobody gonna f*ck with us fabulous queers and live to tell the tale! The Bouncy Boobed Lady Tiger has met her match with the Glam Queens! No straight trash in Thailand will dare to mess with our fierce fabulosity after this. With no po-po around during our Songkran party... You’re solo, darling. With those colossal knockers and luscious clit all dazed from that Tiger Balm buzz... I'm ready to tuck your super-sassy self into a nighty-night and snatch you up, babe!" gloated Porn Queen in a mix of straight and queer talk...as she poured more liquid Tiger Balm from a bottle...into a thick rainbow colored cloth...and slowly lowered it towards the beauteous face of the beaten Big Breasted Thai Superwoman.
"Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....No...hhhhhhhhhhhhh...Do not make me breathe that Porn Queen...hhhhhhhhhhhhh....My broad Tiger Areolas....My huge Tiger Nipples...are super...haahaaaaaaaaaard ...I cannot lactate....hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...My huge Tiger Clitoris... Is...super haaahaaaaaaaaaaaaard...super...wet...super excited...I cannot orgasm...I cannot believe it...Sweetie, I’m about to get my mind blown for the first time...by fabulous fiends...Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...You’re gonna have me snatched for the next 12 hours...Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...I might not stop you...but honey, I will..." moaned Lady Tiger in straight and gay pleasure...before Porn Queen clamped the rainbow colored cloth firmly over her nose and mouth.
"HNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN...HNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN ...NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN...NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN ...NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN...NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN ...NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN...NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN ...HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ...HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" moaned Lady Tiger loudly in straight and gay pleasure into the thick rainbow cloth the 50 year old queer villainess was pressing over her nose and mouth...her eyelids fluttering....her glossy dark brown eyes rolling up in the slits of the tiny tight tiger pelt mask which stretched across the upper part of her beauteous face...her muscular shiny bronze arms limp on the cold damp concrete floor of the warehouse...past her head...her thick muscular shiny bronze legs spread wide open below her thick curvy waist...her large erotic bare shiny bronze feet resting on the floor on their smooth heels...her sexy toes with glossy clawlike toenails...barely able to stay close together and curled with tension.
"Oh honey, I'm turning you on, aren’t I, Lady Tiger! You’re such a vixen! Got a major kink for steamy fun and that knockout vibe! Inhale that Tiger Balm and snooze, my voluptuous queen! We’re about to serve some real spicy fantasy together!" gloated Porn Queen as she pressed the rainbow-colored cloth firmly over the nose and mouth of the sleepy Sexy Superwoman of Thailand who knew she had to do what the queer villainess wanted her to do.
"Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ...hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ...hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ...hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ...hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ...hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ...hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ...hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ...hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ...hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ...hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ...hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" moaned Lady Tiger loudly in great pleasure...as she had sequence of 12 gigantic orgasms inside of her...giant hard wet excited and aching glossy dark brown cunt...and simultaneously powerfully lactated inside of her giant firm shiny bronze breasts...which both became swollen...her eyelids becoming heavier...her dark brown eyes becoming duller and hazier in the slits of her tiny tight tiger pelt mask which stretched across the upper part of her beauteous face...her vision blurring with images of gay unicorns and rainbows...and the sounds of queers having fun in the G Circuit's water party on the streets...far to the warehouse...where she was facing another imminent and massive defeat.
"Sass it up, Tiger Balm Queen! You’re a fierce, horny superhero diva! How’s it feel getting taken down by fabulous queers? Got your engines revving, huh? Just inhale that Tiger Balm and catch some beauty z’s, darling!" gloated Porn Queen...who was very aroused as she watched the beaten Big Breasted Thai Superwoman obey her orders...her naked giant firm shiny bronze breasts rising and falling slowly...capped at their sexy summits by broad hard tiger tattooed glossy dark brown areolas and huge puffy hard erect and bullet-shaped glossy dark brown nipples...her thick matted glossy black pubic jungle shiny and soaked from multiple sequences of gigantic orgasms...her huge hard wet and excited glossy dark brown clitoris throbbing in the middle of it...as she inhaled the liquid Tiger Balm on the rainbow-colored cloth that was clamped firmly over her nose and mouth.
"Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ...hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ...hhh...hhh...hhh...hhh...hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" moaned Lady Tiger in great pleasure and agreement...her eyelids fluttering...her dark brown eyes rolling up in the slits of the tiny tight tiger pelt mask which stretched across the upper part of her beauteous face...as her head rolled against her broad right shiny bronze shoulder...her muscular shiny bronze arms limp on the cold concrete floor...her thick muscular shiny bronze legs wide open below her thick curvy waist...her large erotic bare shiny bronze feet resting on the floor on their smooth heels...wide spaces between her sexy toes with glossy clawlike toenails...as she succumbed to deep unconsciousness.
The transmen and transwomen thugs of the Queeners gang...who Lady Tiger had defeated so effortlessly...mocked the beaten Big Breasted Thai Superwoman...as she now lay naked and unconscious before them in the warehouse.
"Yasss! Slayyy! The Tooty Fruity Kitty is majorly outta commission! How's it feel getting all kinds of *fabulous* by our fabulous fam??!!" gloated a transwoman.
"Girl, you are serving major titty realness and a clit that can slay, Lady Tiger Super Diva! No basic betch can handle that Tiger Balm magic! You’re now the property of the fabulous Queens!" gloated a transman.
The Porn Queen got annoyed by the prattling of her queer minions...as Lady Tiger lay naked....totally defeated and unconscious before her.
"Hush up, you fabulous divas! Bow down to your Porn Goddess, 'cause Lady Tiger's my piece, no questions! That Tiger Balm has totally knocked her out, girl, with those big ole hooters and that massive clitty! She's out for the count! Get her to my ride and bring her back to my lair where I'm ready to get lit and slay...." began the queer villainess.
But she was interrupted by the blaring sounds of police sirens.
"Honey, what in the drag race?! The Royal Thai Po-po is here! How did they sniff our fab hideaway? Quick, my fierce queens! Slip out the back and blend into those G Circuit party peeps! We gotta leave Lady Tiger and the stash behind, boo!" cried Porn Queen as she and her 40 queer minions fled out the back door of the warehouse.
As they fled...Chinese actor Wang Soong entered the warehouse through the front door...holding his cell phone in his right hand...a recording of police sirens playing on it in a loop.
"I knew this would come in handy some day" thought Wang as he ran into the middle of the warehouse...where he found his secret superheroine girlfriend...in the most comprehensive state of defeat that he had ever seen her.
Her dark brown eyes tightly closed in the slits of the tiny tight tiger pelt mask which stretched across the upper part of her beauteous face...as her head rolled against her broad right shiny bronze shoulder...her muscular shiny bronze arms limp on the cold concrete floor...her thick muscular shiny bronze legs wide open below her thick curvy waist...her large erotic bare shiny bronze feet resting on the floor on their smooth heels...wide spaces between her sexy toes with glossy clawlike toenails...as she lay naked...defeated and in a state of deep unconsciousness.
"Tiger!...Tiger can you here me?" asked Wang as he placed his hands on her broad shiny bronze shoulders...and shook her in an unsuccessful attempt to rouse her.
His penis became hard and erect under his pants as he observed the extraordinary state of her broad hard glossy dark brown areolas and huge puffy hard...erect and bullet-shaped glossy dark brown nipples...the intricate tiger tattoos embedded in her famous areolas significantly faded...her thick matted glossy black pubic jungle soaked in the space between her wide open giant firm shiny bronze thighs...and the extraordinary hardness and wetness of her huge glossy dark brown clitoris in the middle of it.
"Lady Tiger is completely unconscious. Someone did a real big sleep number on her. I have to get her home" resolved Wang as he gathered the tamed 10ft Top Heavy Thai Heroine's tiny tiger pelt pasties and tiny tiger pelt thong...then slung her naked voluptuous and muscular shiny bronze body over his right shoulder...carrying her to where his rented Toyota Fortuner was parked...placed her gently into the rear of the SUV and drove away through the crowds of queer partygoers in the Songkran district.
To be continued.