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Tarzann-Milf of Madagascar in Trapped by Traffickers 2 
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Joined: Thu May 21, 2009 5:13 pm
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Post Tarzann-Milf of Madagascar in Trapped by Traffickers 2
Tarzann-Milf of Madagascar in Trapped by Traffickers 2

Port Antisaranna
9.30 pm

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh" cooed TARZANN...the Topless Top Heavy Heroine of Madagascar as she announced her return to consciousness. Feeling her famous big puffy shiny pink nipples and famous wide shiny pink areolas softening and relaxing...her Malagasy Strength, Stamina and Speed slowing returning...the Mighty Milf of Madagascar felt a hard surface beneath her voluptuous and muscular creamy body. As she slowly opened her green eyes as her senses slowly returned...Tarzann found herself lying on a cot in a tent set up as a field hospital and the familiar stocky figure of 50-year-old Gendarmerie Nationale Chief GUY BENOIT sitting nearby...looking at the naked firm mountainous creamy breasts as they rose and fell slowly before him with each breath that she took.

Pressing the palms of her creamy hands on the cot...the Topless Top Heavy Heroine of Madagascar raised herself into a sitting position...bringing her long right muscular creamy leg into her body...her right creamy knee bent...her erotic right bare creamy foot resting flat on the surface of the cot...her long left muscular creamy leg extended at full stretch below her wide shapely waist...her erotic left bare creamy foot resting on its smooth heel on the surface of the cot. Outside of the tent, the 60 year old, 7ft Big Bare Breasted Superwoman noticed officers of the Gendarmarie Nationale...Madagascar's Police Force... searching the area around the docks where moments earlier she had engaged in a terrific battle with Comorian human traffickers who were attempting to kidnap 12 Madagascar women as sex slaves.

"Are you all right Tarzann? My men found you unconscious amongst those cargo bales and the split salt" said Benoit...partially concerned for the well being of the Mighty Milf of Madagascar...while taking the opportunity to stare at her famous naked mountainous firm creamy breasts...capped at their sexy summits by shiny wide pink areolas and big puffy shiny pink nipples which he observed were now looking very soft and relaxed...compared to the state of hardness and erectness that they were in.

"Yes Chief. As you know my huge Malagasy Breasts have great recuperative abilities. The Comorian human traffickers did get lucky and manage to knock me unconscious for a short time but their prisoners are safe" said Tarzann as she turned on her huge firm creamy ass and stood up on her erotic bare creamy feet. The Topless Top Heavy Heroine of Madagascar remembered the leader of the traffickers...the 50 year old Comorian smuggler OMAR YOUSSOUF...who had knocked the cargo bales on to her...causing them to split open...stinging her in her famous nipples and areolas with pure white refined salt...tried to use low dosage chloroform on her big puffy shiny pink nipples and wide shiny pink areolas to put her to sleep...but was for--d to briefly knock her out by pistol whipping her in her famous nipples and areolas.

Tarzann noticed that Youssouf and his men were long gone. But she was happy to see their prisoners were safe and being treated by paramedics. She assumed her heroic pose before Benoit...her creamy hands balled into fists...resting on either side of her wide shapely waist...her erotic bare creamy feet flat on the cold concrete surface of the docks...her long muscular creamy legs slightly apart...her tawny brown fossa G-string narrowing between her huge creamy thighs...barely covering her thick matted glossy brown pubic bush and her big shiny pink muff....narrowing in the back into the crack between the cheeks of her huge firm creamy ass...her naked mountainous firm creamy breasts pushed forward with confidence and arrogance.

"The traffickers managed to elude me this time. But I've no doubt that they're working for JEAN GAMBOL. Rest assured that I'll find the evidence to bring him to justice Chief. Thanks for keeping watch while I was unconscious but I have to be going now" said Tarzann as she broke out of her heroic pose and strolled out of the tent.

Her naked mountainous firm creamy breasts swaying sexily with each powerful stride of her long muscular creamy legs...Tarzann walked along the docks as she made her way off the port. "Tarzann! Tarzann!"a female voice cried. The Topless Top-Heavy Heroine of Madagascar stopped and turned around to see a stocky 5'2 African woman in a tattered dress approaching her. She had big rimmed glasses on her face and wiry short dull black hair. Something about her made the Mighty Milf of Madagascar feel warm tingles in her big puffy shiny pink nipples which made her curious about this young woman who she guessed was about 30.

"I couldn't let you leave without thanking you for saving us. I've followed your adventures for a long time. I always hoped to meet you one day" said the young woman. "I'm just doing my job as a superheroine. What's your name?" asked Tarzann as she stood before the young woman.

"My name's BETTY. BETTY BUNDE. I'm from Toliara. I was reading an ad in the paper for a secretary and I came to this place for an interview. Someone gave me something to drink and I passed out. Next thing I know, I'm with some other women...tied up and about to be shipped off somewhere. Thank God you saved us" said Betty...looking at the Mighty Milf of Madagascar with starstruck brown eyes.

"You're welcome Betty. I'm sure that once you get medical treatment and the Gendarmerie Nationale officers ask you some questions, they'll arrange to send you home to your family" replied Tarzann. She saw Betty become sad. "I don't have any family Tarzann. I'm alone and I spent all I had to go to Toamasina for that interview" said Betty as tears welled up in her brown eyes behind her glasses.

Tarzann felt pity for the young woman. Then she had a thought. "With the likelihood of me being knocked unconscious and captured for long periods by criminals, it could cause my regular business activities as ROBIN COLLETTE to suffer. Maybe there's a way I can solve that problem and help Betty too".

The Topless Top-Heavy Heroine of Madagascar placed her creamy right hand on Betty's left shoulder. "Don't worry Betty. You just let the Gendarmerie Nationale ensure you and the other women get medical treatment at the hospital here in Antsiranana. Once you're better, I'll have a friend of mine contact you. She will arrange a place for you to live and a job. Everything will be okay. I promise" replied Tarzann with a smile before turning away on the balls of her erotic bare creamy feet and sprinting off at super speed...her naked firm mountainous creamy breasts swaying sexily as she ran away...heading back to Antananarivo.

Ambohijatavo district
24hours later
9 am

At his palatial mansion in one of the wealthy suburbs of Madagascar's capital city, where several foreign embassies were located, 40 year old Jean Gambol was angry, aroused and intrigued as he read about the 12 women who were rescued at Port Antisranana from human traffickers by the island nation's famous superheroine Tarzann.

Though the bald heavy set Algerian of French and African descent...who wore sunglasses, smoked Cuban cigars and had a taste for expensive things...was regarded publicly as a wealthy businessman...he was secretly the biggest crime boss in Madagascar and used his many legal businesses as fronts for his many criminal enterprises.

"So Tarzann. You're still sticking those big tits of yours into my business, specifically my human trafficking business." thought Gambol as he read the morning edition of the Depeche newspaper about the Mighty Milf of Madagascar saving 12 women from being kidnapped out of the island nation as sex slaves. As he watched the bevy of young female prostitutes cavorting in the swimming pool before him...he thought about the voluptuous and muscular creamy body of the 60 year old, 7ft Big Bare Breasted Superwoman...and how it put the shapely bodies of younger women in Madagascar to shame.

Setting down the newspaper, Gambol checked his secure satellite phone to see the report that Comorian smuggler Omar Youssouf sent him about Tarzann thwarting the shipment of 12 women out of Port Antsiranana to buyers who were waiting in nearby territories in the Indian Ocean. On the same phone, Gambol had messages from those same clients who were demanding their money back since the Comorian smugglers had failed to deliver their merchandise.

Then an idea came to the 40-year-old Algerian crime kingpin/businessman. "Since you've taken such a keen interest in my human trafficking business Tarzann, it seems only right that you get to experience it personally" thought Gambol as an evil plan to get revenge on the Topless Top Heavy Heroine of Madagascar began to form in his mind...as he watched his harem of young prostitutes...in varying degrees of nudity...cavorting in and around the pool before him.

24 hours later
Parc de Tsarasaotra district
4 pm

ROBIN COLLETTE, 60-year-old heiress and businesswoman, had absolutely no idea what Jean Gambol was planning for her in her sexy, super-powered alter-ego as Tarzann. At that moment, she was keeping a promise she made as the Mighty Milf of Madagascar as she escorted 30-year-old Betty Bunde through her sprawling townhouse to a new apartment.

The young African woman was shocked and happy to see the well-laid out living quarters that Robin was giving her. "This is for me??" gasped Betty. Robin... who stood at 5'4....her dull brown greying hair tied behind her head in a thick bun...had a thin pale white body with virtually no curves...and an almost flat chest...wearing a baggy grey pants suit and flat shoes...wearing thick glasses on her face..smiled at the joy of the young woman and also in self amusement that Betty had no idea that she was Tarzann.

"Yes Miss Bunde. Tarzann told me of your plight and I knew I had to do what I could to help. You can live here rent free and can come and go as you wish. I've got many business activities and interests in Madagascar which will involve me being away at short notice and often for long periods of time.
Tarzann said you have skills as a secretary. This will be very helpful to me given the nature of my work. We may not have many personal interactions while you are living and working here. But I expect you to handle whatever correspondence comes to me from my various business interests and handle whatever matters I give you. You don't need to worry about money. I've already opened a bank account in your name and you have the necessary debit and credit cards to go with them" said Robin.

"Thank you Miss Collette. Tarzann saved me from the human traffickers and you've given me a place to stay and a good job. I'm so grateful to you and to her. You have my word that I'll work very hard for you. I don't need to know what you do or where you go. You can count on me to do whatever you need me to do." said Betty with gratitude in her voice. "I know you will Betty. I'll leave you now to get settled" replied Robin as she waved goodbye to Betty and walked through the townhouse's corridors back to her own living quarters.

"Now that Betty is here and understands her place, I can focus my attention on other matters. Tonight, I'll change into Tarzann and investigate the human trafficking in Madagascar again. I need to find out where those traffickers were taking Betty and those other women. Once I know that I'll be able to free the other people the human traffickers are kidnapping...then bring them and their employer Jean Gambol to justice!" resolved Robin, excited and aroused at the thought of changing into the Mighty Milf of Madagascar again and going after the human traffickers.

6 pm

In the seclusion of her high-walled villa in the district of the popular tourist and port city on the eastern coast of Madagascar...50 year old YASMIN MAHEFA worked feverishly inside the villa's basement which over the last four weeks, she had converted into a laboratory.

Once one of Madagascar's most prominent doctors and scientific minds...Mahefa had been banned from the practice of medicine or any form of medical science due to her deep-rooted jealousy and insecurity which caused her to commit criminal actions that violated the medical and scientific oaths that she had taken.

Totally shunned by all of Madagascar's medical and scientific community for her actions...Mahefa became obssessed with the person she blamed for her downfall and wanted to find a way to make that person suffer repeatedly for what they had done to her.

Removing her plastic safety googles from her face...Mahefa turned down the heat on a bunsen burner and watched the clear liquid contained in a glass flask that was being heated by the burner...begin to cool. "At last. It is ready" said Mahefa...drooling on both sides of her mouth with expectation.

Her glee was interrupted by the ringing of her cell phone. Mahefa answered it without a second thought.

"Doctor Yasmine Mahefa? My name is Jean Gambol. I believe we have a mutual interest. I have a proposition for you" said the 40 year old stocky Algerian crime kingpin and businessman on the other end of the phone. He proceeded to outline his proposition to the disgraced doctor. "I accept your proposition Mr Gambol. Tell me what you need. I am at your service" replied Mahefa with an evil grin on her wrinkled face. as she looked at a photo of Tarzann, the Topless Top Heavy Heroine of Madagascar that was pinned to a nearby wall.

8 pm

Gendamerie Nationale Chief Guy Benoit was in his office at the Comisariat de Police building when Tarzann entered through the open winow landing on the balls of her erotic bare creamy on the carpeted floor. Benoit was getting accustomed to these regular visits by the Mighty Milf of Madagascar who came to him to get information about criminal activities taking place in the island nation. Of course any opportunity to look at Tarzann's voluptuous and muscular creamy body that was barely clad only by a flimsy tawny brown fossa G-string between her huge creamy thighs, especially her naked mountainous firm creamy breasts that were capped at their sexy summits by big puffy shiny pink nipples and wide shiny pink areolas.

"Have you been able to make any headway in finding out who the human traffickers and their base of operations Chief Benoit?" asked Tarzann as she stood in heroic pose before him. Her creamy hands balled into fists...resting on either side of her wide shapely waist...her erotic bare creamy feet resting flat on the carpeted floor of Benoit's office...her long muscular creamy legs slightly apart...her naked mountainous firm creamy breasts pushed towards him with confident arrogance.

"Most of the women you saved Tarzann had very little recollection of how they were kidnapped. While the traffickers you fought in Port Antisaranana are no doubt Comorian nationals led by a infamous smuggle from Comorose Islands named OMAR YOUSSOUF...then do have local associates here in Madagascar. It's possible these people hack into computer databases in different organisations in Madagascar to profile potential victims to be captured. But one of them...a Betty Bunde remembered answering an advertisement for an interview at the OLO AGENCY in Toamasina. The agency's owners have denied being involved in human trafficking and have called their lawyers. It'll take time to get a warrant to search their premises" said Benoit.

"We don't have time for that Chief. I don't need a warrant to search that agency. I'll go there and find the evidence you need to bring charges against the owners and expose them and their employer Jean Gambol for their human trafficking" said Tarzann with confidence. Before Benoit could do or say anything, the Topless Top Heavy Heroine of Madagascar turned on the balls of her erotic bare creamy feet...sprinted towards the open window of Benoit's office ...her naked firm mountainous creamy breasts swaying sexily as she ran towards the open window...flexed her huge creamy thighs...leapt through it and disappeared into the night at superhuman speed.

10 pm

Her naked firm mountainous creamy breasts swaying sexily...her muscular creamy arms and long muscular creamy legs moving in tandem...her long mane of tousled glossy brown hair flailing behind her head in the night air...Tarzann sprinted and leapt across the rooftops of buildings in the Cite Jardins district of the popular tourist and port city on Madagascar's east coast where she often came to fight criminals. Her green eyes spotted the old red brick building that housed the Olo Agency which Betty had told the Gendarmarie Nationale about.

Landing on the rooftop of the building on the balls of her erotic bare creamy feet...Tarzann strolled sexily towards the door to the stairwell. Grabbing the lock in the palm of her creamy right hand...the Mighty Milf of Madagascar exerted a mere fraction of her legendary Malagasy Strength to break the door. Opening the door...Tarzann entered the stairwell and descended to the building's 5th floor where the agency was housed.

Grabbing hold of the knob on the front door to the agency...the Topless Top Heavy Heroine of Madagascar repeated her earlier action and prized the door open. She felt the dusty floor under the soles of her erotic bare creamy feet as she entered the darkened office of the recruitment agency. Her green eyes widened in the darkness and a gasp escaped from between her parted shiny pink lips as she noticed the sparsely furnished office...with old wooden desks and rusty iron filing cabinets.

"This more than confirms that this agency is a front for the human traffickers. My research as Robin Collette told me that this building was bought by a real estate firm which Jean Gambol has shares in. I need to search this office to find some clues that will tell me where the human traffickers were taking Betty and the other people, they've been kidnapping as sex slaves. Once I find them, I'll find out Gambol's role in this nefarious business and bring them all to justice" resolved Tarzann with a smile on her shiny pink lips as she began to search the desks and filing cabinets in the darkened office of the recruitment agency.

Preoccupied with her search and the thought of exposing Jean Gambol as a top crime kingpin in Madagascar...the 60 year old, 7ft Big Bare Breasted Superwoman was unaware of colorless and odorless fumes of an unknown gas were being emitted in steadily increasing concentrations from air vents in the ceiling of the darkened office of the recruitment agency until the interior of the darkened office was completely filled by it.

"The documents in the files in these old desks and cabinets look outdated and could be forgeries. They don't give me any clues about where Betty and the other sex slaves were being taken and who's behind the human trafficking. Jean Gambol is a clever villain...He must be.....Eh?....My big Malagasy Nipples and my wide Malagasy Areolas...They're becoming very hard for no reason...My big Malagasy Muff...it's throbbing...it's becoming wet and camel toe-shaped under my fossa G-string....What's happening?...Uuuuh...My big hard Malagasy Nipples...My wide hard Malagasy Areolas...My big wet Malagasy Muff...They're making me feel very hot and very horny...I'm being aroused in a matter of seconds...Uuuuuuuuuh...This is making me become very, very dizzy....Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...This is making me become tired....Uuuuuuuuuuuuh...so tired...Uuuuuuuuuuuh...very...very....tired...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuh...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh
...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh" complained Tarzann...the palm of her creamy right hand pressed against the middle of her forehead...her green eyes fluttering in a desperate attempt to remain open...her vision blurring rapidly as seconds stretched into minutes...staggering from side to side on the balls of her erotic bare creamy feet across the dusty floor of the darkened office...feeling growing dizziness in her increasingly throbbing temples and growing heaviness in her naked firm mountainous breasts.

Aroused, dazed and disoriented by yet another unexpected turn of events in her 20 years as a superheroine...Tarzann was oblivious to the fact that she was no longer alone in the darkened and deserted office of the recruitment agency. Four figures wearing full gas masks over their heads...black coveralls...gloves and soft-soled boots to conceal themselves in the darkness of the recruitment office pounced on the Topless Top-Heavy Heroine of Madagascar...not wanting to give her a chance to regain her famous Malagasy Strength, Stamina and Speed.

...UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNH...UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNH" groaned Tarzann staggering across the dusty floor of the darkened recruitment agency...as her four assailants mercilessly pummeled her over every inch of her naked mountainous firm creamy breasts...heavily targeting her famous big puffy shiny pink nipples and her wide shiny pink areolas...beating them into hardness and erectness....with thick hard black rubber truncheons and simultaneously beating her between her wide open huge creamy thighs with the same weapons...repeatedly striking the middle of her tiny tawny brown fossa G-string...inflicting absolute agony on her big shiny pink muff which was made very wet and camel-toe shaped...by the mysterious colorless and odorless gas which she had absolutely no resistance against.

The Mighty Milf of Madagascar was unable to do anything as she felt one of her unknown assailants pull her creamy muscular arms behind her back and bind them tightly together at her wrists with strong ropes. "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh
...You human traffickers did a good job to trap me...Uuuuuuuuuuuuh...You know I'm on your trail...You expected me to come here...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...What's that gas you're using?....It's arousing me in my big Malagasy Nipples...in my wide Malagasy Areolas...and even in my big Malagasy Muff...Uuuuuuuuuuh...This is only temporarily negating my Malagasy Strength..Stamina...and Speed...Uuuuuuuuuuuh...In the next few seconds...My big Malagasy Nipples and my wide Malagasy Areolas will relax and I'll have my Malagasy Strength...Stamina...and Speed back...I'm going to defeat you...take you to justice...and...." declared Tarzann.

But before the Topless Top-Heavy Heroine of Madagascar could complete her heroic speech or implement her bold plan to turn the tables on her unknown assailants...a thick cotton pad was quickly clamped over her nose and mouth.

"HNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN...NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN...NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN" screamed Tarzann into the thick fibres of the cotton pad...her green eyes wide open in surprise...her erotic bare creamy feet planted flat on the dusty floor inside of the darkened recruitment agency office.

"THE HUMAN TRAFFICKERS ACTUALLY LISTENED TO WHAT I SAID AT PORT ANTISRANANA!! THE CHLOROFORM ON THIS COTTON PAD IS 500,000 PPM!! THIS ISN'T POSSIBLE!! HOW COULD THEY HAVE MADE CHLOROFORM THIS STRONG!! IT'S MAKING ME VERY HOT AND VERY HORNY!! I'VE GOT TO BREATHE IT!! MY BIG MALAGASY NIPPLES AND MY WIDE MALAGASY AREOLAS ARE GETTING HARDER AND HARDER AS I BREATHE THIS SUPER CHLOROFORM!! I'M GOING TO LACTATE!! I'M GETTING HARDER AND WETTER IN M BIG MALAGASY CUNT!! I'M GOING TO CUM!!" thought the Topless Top Heavy Heroine of Madagascar...her naked firm mountainous creamy breasts heaving rapidly up and down...her big shiny pink nipples and wide shiny pink areolas becoming hard, erect and bullet-shaped...her wide hard pink areolas...becoming hard and erect...feeling increasing pressure building inside of her naked firm mountainous creamy breasts...her big shiny pink cunt throbbing with growing intensity...becoming hard, wet and camel-toe shaped in less than two seconds...as her erotic urges repressed by 20 years of celibacy overwhelmed her.

moaned Tarzann into the pad...rising on the balls of her erotic bare creamy feet...the muscles of her voluptuous creamy body tensing in futility as she powerfully lactated...shooting geysers of white milk into the air from the tips of her big puffy hard erect and bullet-shaped shiny pink nipples...and simultaneously had seven epic orgasms...causing massive sprays of thick white cum to shoot out of her throbbing big wet shiny pink camel toe-shaped cunt...soaking her thick matted glossy brown pubic hair...and the tawny brown fossa G-string which barely covered the space between her huge creamy thighs

"Hhhhhhhh....hhhhhhhhhh....hhhhhhhhhhhh....hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" cooed the Mighty Milf of Madagascar into the thick fibres of the damp cotton pad...her green eyes rolling up in her head....her temples throbbing with dizziness...her long muscular creamy legs turning into rubber below her wide shapely waist causing her to collapse to the dusty floor on her back.

Through her barely open green eyes....her naked firm mountainous creamy breasts heaving up and down with laboured efforts....geysers of white milk shooting out of the tips of her big puffy hard erect and bullet shaped shiny pink nipples...a waterfall of thick white cum flowing out of her throbbing big hard wet camel toe-shaped shiny pink cunt...forming a thick white lake on the dusty floor between her wide open huge creamy thighs...her long muscular creamy thighs moving back and forth below her wide shapely waist...the sexy toes of her erotic bare creamy feet struggling to stay curled with tension and close together as they clutched at the thick layers of dust on the floor of the darkened recruitment agency... the 60-year-old, 7ft Big Bare Breasted Superwoman struggled desperately to stay conscious as she saw the blurry images of her four unknown assailants looking down at her.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...You human traffickers learnt from our last encounter in Port Antisranana...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuh...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh
...You developed a new anesthetic gas that arouses me in my big Malagasy Nipples...in my wide Malagasy Areolas and even in my big Malagasy Muff...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...My big Malagasy Nipples and my wide Malagasy Areolas...are very hard...and very erect...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh..My big Malagasy Muff...is very hard...and very wet...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...I'm very hot and horny....I'm very disoriented...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh
...I must clear my head...I must get my big Malagasy Nipples and my Malagasy Areolas soft and relaxed...to regain my Malagasy Strength, Stamina and Speed...Uuuuuuuuuuuh...to defeat you...and...bring your employer...Jean Gambol...Uuuuuuuuuuh...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh
to justice..."groaned Tarzann... her green eyes fluttering rapidly as she writhed helplessly on the dusty floor of the darkened recruitment agency...feeling the fumes of the colorless, odorless gas brushing her big puffy shiny pink nipples...her wide shiny pink areolas...and her big shiny pink camel toe-shaped cunt...keeping her hot, horny and helpless.

The Topless Top-Heavy Heroine of Madagascar could do nothing but watch with sleepy green eyes as the thick cotton pad descended in slow motion towards her beauteous face...and the fumes of the new super chloroform that was soaked into its fibres...wafted into her nostrils.

moaned Tarzann into the thick fibres of the damp cotton pad as it was clamped back over her nose and mouth...her voluptuous and muscular creamy body wiggling sexily on the dusty floor for one second as she willingly inhaled more of the powerful new chloroform into her lungs and felt the strange gas in the darkened interior of the recruitment agency keeping her big puffy shiny pink nipples and wide shiny pink areolas.

"That's right you big boobed super slut! Suck it in! You know you want this!" snarled the masked assailant who was pressing the thick cotton pad over Tarzann's nose and mouth as she wiggled in a growing sexual stupor on the dusty floor inside the darkened recruitment agency....her green eyes fluttering rapidly...her naked mountainous firm creamy breasts heaving rapidly up and down...geysers of white milk shooting into the air from the tips of her big puffy hard erect and bullet shaped shiny pink nipples....her thick matted glossy brown pubic bush soaked by seven successive tsunamic discharges of thick white cum from her big wet hard camel toe-shaped shiny pink cunt...which now formed a huge white lake on the floor between her huge creamy thighs...her long muscular creamy legs stretching back and forth below her wide shapely waist...the sexy toes of her erotic bare creamy feet...with short glossy clear toenails struggling to remain close together and curled with tension.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...I've got to breathe this new super chloroform....500,000 ppm...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh
It's making my big Malagasy Nipples and my wide Malagasy Areolas extra hard in record time without any form of physical contact...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuh
it's got some powerful aphrodisiac in it...I can't fight it...I don't want to...20 years of no sex....has made me super hot and super horny...So this is how ordinary women get knocked unconscious...I never thought I'd ever experience it myself ...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuh...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh
..too sexy to fight....too sleepy to think...I got to let these human traffickers knock me out...stay unconscious...for a day...fallen into their trap...have to stay in it" resolved the tired Topless Top Heavy Heroine of Madagascar.

cooed Tarzann as her green eyes rolled up in her head and then slowly closed as her head rolled against her broad right creamy shoulder... her voluptuous and creamy body relaxed on the dusty floor of the darkened recruitment agency...her long muscular creamy legs extending full stretch below her wide shapely waist...her erotic bare creamy feet resting on the dusty floor on their smooth heels...wide gaps appearing between her sexy toes which had short, glossy toenails...as she continued to breathe deeply into the thick cotton fibers of the damp pad as she willingly allowed the new potent anesthetic soaked into its fibers to lull her into unconsciousness.

To be continued

Wed Aug 17, 2022 10:46 am
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